Happily Ever After

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Virgil kept the pills in his palm, and gave both Patton and Roman an uneasy look. Patton smiled reassuringly at him and Roman nudged the glass of hot chocolate closer.

"Just thrown em' down babe. These aren't going to hurt you." Roman said reassuringly and Virgil took his jolly time placing each pill on his tongue. He slowly raises the mug to his lips and takes a large sip.

Roman smiles at him as Patton pulls him in for a hug. Virgil mumbled something, and Patton's pushed him away while cackling. He took another sip of his milk and joined Roman's side.

"Ramen?" He help the mug up to Roman's lips, and Roman wrapped a hand around the side of the mug and stole a sip.

"Thank you." Roman purred and kissed Virgil cheek. He rolled his eyes and jerked his face away from Roman and took another swig.

"Jerk." Roman mumbled, making Virgil chuckle.


It was a few hours after Virgil took his first dose of his new prescription. He was unlike how he would normally be when on medicine, and was actually optimistic for once.

Roman came back into the room and sat down next to him. He wrapped an arm around Virgil, pulling him away from the arm of the couch. Patton bounced into the room and jumps of the couch, and sprawled his legs across Logan's lap as he clambered for the remote.

Everyone was at Roman and Logan's home, to watch Disney and let Virgil get more comfortable with the idea of going on dates, by going to date night with Roman to a place he's comfortable in, and with people who accept him.

The first movie of the night was Moana, Roman's newest favorite. Then The Nightmare Before Christmas, one both Virgil and Logan were looking forwards to. Patton had several Winnie the Pooh movies ready after those two.

Roman slips his hand into Virgil's, making the feline like male slightly and look away from the TV screen. Roman smirked at him and pressed silent kisses to each of his knuckles.

Virgil blushed and pulled his hand away when Roman was done, cradling it to his chest. And when he thought Roman stopped looking smiled wildly.

Roman admired him when he wasn't looking.


"How're you feeling kiddo?" Patton asked in the car on the way home. He was anxious about the pills effects all night, but Virgil didn't seem as bad as he used to.

"I'm tired. And warm." Virgil mumbled and leaned his head against the window. Patton smiled slightly and changed lanes.

"Like happy warm or ‘turn on the AC Dad’ warm?" Patton asked with a smile and Virgil snorted in tired amusement.

"Happy warm." He said and played with his necklace.

"I'm happy warm too kiddo." Patton said wistfully, over joyed that his kiddo may finally have help.


Roman's eyes light up as Virgil skinks into his room, bareface, and freckles in full display.

"Hello constellation face!" Roman cooed and quickly pulled Virgil down onto his bed. Virgil's face flushed a stop sign red and he pushed against Roman's shoulders.

"Don't be an ass about it." Virgil mumbled, making Roman laughed and fall back against the dark purple sheets. Virgil puffed out his cheeks, and his flushed cheeks worstened.

"I'm not! You never let me see your freckles! I'm just marveling in their glory!" Roman pulled him down and kissed him. Virgil pulled away and scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah." He grumbles and breaks free from Roman and goes to turn on his fairy lights. Roman chuckles and sits up with a goofy smile.

"At least let me name the constalations!" Roman whined as the purple light snaps on and illuminates the room.



"Hey Roman!" One of Roman's elementary school friends ran up to him as he slid to the bottom of the slide.

Roman smiles at him and climbs off the slide to allow the next person to go down.

"How may I aid you?" He asked with a charming, ten year old smile.

"What do you want your life to be like?" He asked, held up his clipboard and readied his vibrant green pencil.

"A fairytale!" Roman exclaimed and picked up a stick, holing it up like a sword. The child smiled and wrote it down.

"I'll hold that to you in ten years." Logan said and ran off to ask another good what he wanted their future to be.


"Hey Roman!" Logan calls from the kitchen. Roman jumps up from his bed and runs to the kitchen with a smile.

"How may I aid you?" He asks and leans against the door frame.

"What do you feel your life it like presently?" Logan asked holding his coffee mug to his lips.

"A fairytale." Roman said wistfully, and suddenly had an idea.


Virgil jolted up and threw himself behind Logan.

"You have a sword?!" Virgil shrieked.

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now