{Two✓} Fairytale, and Dad Tears

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When six o'clock hit, Anxiety started on Patton's breakfast. He made a small glass of extra chocolaty chocolate milk, and a simple sunny side up egg for him.

He carefully brought the cup and plate upstairs. It was always odd, walking into Patton's room while he was still asleep. Patton was sprawled out over the majority of his bed, wearing a bear onesie he likes to call 'his Papa Bear Onesie'.

Anxiety had one that Patton had bought him, a black cat, he never wore it much. And would rather die if anyone other than Patton saw him in it.
Which would never happen.

Anxiety set the food and chocolate milk down on the bedside table, moving the lamp back slightly to make room.
Anxiety gently shook Patton's shoulder, affectively waking the father figure.

"Dad." Anxiety gently said, making Patton open his eyes, his name further waking him as his 'weird dark child' tried to wake him up.

"Mornin' kiddo." Patton mumbled in a bedside voice. Anxiety motioned to the food, Patton lifted his head from his pillow, and instantly went from tired dad, to kid.
His eyes lit up at the sight of the chocolate milk and he sat up, making Anxiety chuckled.

"I'm heading to work now. You gonna be okay on your own?" Anxiety teased as Patton took large sips of the chocolate milk.

"Of course! Want me to pick you up?" Patton asked, and Anxiety shook his head. Planning on doing something to thank him for the Vetal Miking shirt.

"Nah, I'm good. I'll meet you back here at around eleven though, probably around twelve." Anxiety mumbled and pulled Patton's onesie hood back onto his head.

"If you say so kiddo! I'll make bagels when you come home!" Patton chirped and Anxiety left before he could make anything awkward.

Anxiety snatched a handful of grapes from the fridge and grabbed his house keys. He stopped at the bus stop, with ten minutes til the bus came back around.

He pulled his phone out and opened up Tumblr to mindlessly read 'inspirational' quotes, and look at dark themed art.
That is, until Fairytale's face caught his attention. He was in his, what Anxiety assumed to be, normal clothes. He was in a red and white themed bedroom, and his keys balanced on his palm as he pointed gun fingers at the camera.

About to go off to Kofi Bean!! 👑 Can't wait to annoy that one guy!!

Anxiety wanted to crush his skull right then. He was gonna make a comment about this post.

The bus pulled up, and Anxiety let the other people waiting on the bus first before climbing on. He sat in an empty seat alone by the window.
He hummed quietly a new song from Vetal Miking, tapping it out on his one as he stared out the window.

When Anxiety arrived at Kofi Bean, he walked in and instantly the girl's shoulder behind the counter relaxed. She slipped out as Anxiety pulled his hoodie off, his phone hidden in his hoodie pocket.
He stepped behind the counter, allowing the girl to leave and probably sleep.

He started taking orders, getting through most of them with a breeze. Until Fairytale came in.

"One caramel macchiato, venti, skim, extra shot, extra-hot, extra-whip, sugar-free." He said with a award winning smile. Anxiety looked at him blankly.

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