{Nineteen} Dream Lover Returns, Aftereffects

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Roman grabbed the front of his dream lover's purple and black jacket and connected his lips with their cinnamon and liquorice lips.

They squeaked in surprise but kissed him back, their hands pressed against Roman's shoulders to keep him upright and from completely falling on the sitting Roman.

Roman released him and the dream boy pulled away, breathing uneven as he wipes at him mouth with a blush across his face.

Roman smiled at him, before faking a pout and pulling him down onto the couch with him. He mumbled a small curse and tried to stand, but Roman kept him down.

"You wiped off my kisses!" Roman whined, making the boy next to him roll his eyes and smirk lightly.

"I do it all the time. Guess you'll have to kiss me again." He replied confidently, making Roman chuckle in amazement.

"Woah, where did all this conference come from?" Roman teased, making his soulmate roll their dark brown eyes.

Roman pulled him down into another kiss, making sure to litter several over his cheeks and on his chin, two landing his nose. His soulmate giggled like a child and grabbed his sash.

As Roman pulled back, his lover's hand went up to wipe at where Roman had kissed him, his face a nice pink.

"No! Don't wipe them away!" Roman cried and pulled his hands back down, peppering more onto his face. His boyfriend chuckling and tried to push his hands away.

"I was rubbing them in!" He laughed, a crimson red sticking out from under his smudged eyeshadow.

"Oh, that's what you were doing!" Roman laughed and rolled his eyes. His boyfriend chuckled and curled up against Roman.

"Not my fault you give slobbery kisses." He mumbled and burried his face in Roman's neck. Roman gasped dramatically and watched as a certain cardigan wearing male bounced down the stairs and squealed.

Roman's dream lover tried to hide more against Roman's chest. The father figure went back upstairs and Roman wrapped his dream love in his arms and started to play with his hair. He paused as he moved against Roman and struggled slightly to get his phone free.

Roman put his chin back on top of his head as he got comfortable against Roman once more and started scrolling through his phone.

Soon, Dad and the ex-Viner came down the stairs. Small cooing escaped them as Roman ignored the two of them as looked down at the phone screen.

"That's cool." Roman commented, pointing to a picture of Saturn, the dream boy nodded against him and talked on the small heart.

Once the cooing stopped, his lover climbed off Roman's lap and dragged him into the kitchen.


Virgil was at a new kind of low. Unlike any of the other times he'd dare pop a pill.

He could barely get out of bed, food didn't sit well in him. He felt overweight, but he knew he was practically underweight. He wanted to do something, be active but everything hurt like hell.

Patton was a great Dad and helped Virgil through the first through days of the after sickness. The razors and knives were kept away from Virgil after he started to display more energy again.

Patton has since removed Virgil's pills and plans on raising hell with the family doctor.

Short chapter cause I've run dry on ideas.
So, like,,

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