{Seven✓} Friends

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"Dad, I will never speak to you again." Anxiety threatened, making Patton smile and playfully roll his eyes.

"You said that two weeks ago!" Patton giggled and Anxiety flushed with embarrassment. He huffed and mumbled a short 'whatever' before climbing off the bus, Patton hopped off behind him and drags him into the mall.

"What're we looking for?" Anxiety asked, grabbing tightly onto Dad's arm as the marched into a large crowd immediately after entering the large building.

"Oh look! It's your friend!" Patton chirped and wildly waved at Roman and Mr. Robo-Tie. Anxiety groaned quietly and hid himself under his hood.
Ramen pulled walking talking dictionary towards the two and smiled brightly

"Ah, hello my wonderful friends!" Roman said loudly and Anxiety shrunk further into Patton's side, not even daring to look at the people walking past him.

"What're you doing here kiddo?" Patton chirped, not noticing the finely dressed Logan practically scanning him.

"Ah, getting a few things for my beautiful self! And Logan wanted to grab a few new books and ties." Roman's shoulders fell as he pointed to Logan's book.

"All I wanted was a few anatomy and novice medicine books. I don't understand why you are so dejected by my current interest in literature." Logan argued, sounding like he had done this a thousand times with the prince wannabe.

"It's cause you're a nerd!" Roman said loudly, and dramatically. Anxiety shook his head, nearly jumping out of his skin when someone bumped into him.

"That's not very nice to say bucko!" Patton scolded lightly before turning back to Logan.

"I'm Patton, it's nice to meet you Logan!" Dad stuck his hand out, and Logan slowly grabbed his hand and gave it two firm shakes.

"Likewise." He said flatly, and Roman rolled his eyes at his almost machine like voice.

"I apologise for the nerd here emotions aren't his thing." Roman groaned, making Anxiety smirk. Dad and the nerd should get along just fine.
Emotions were all Dad's thing.

"They are not my forte." Logan corrected, making Dad's smile widen.

"They're all my thing!" Dad chirped, and Anxiety started to lightly tug on his arm, wanting to get the things they needed and leave.

"That's great an all, we're gonna leave now and go buy shit. Bye." Anxiety said and tugged on Patton's arm.

"And all, and going to." Logan corrected, making both Roman and Anxiety roll their eyes. They were almost in sync.

"V! No cursing! And we should be going! Nice meeting you again Roman, and you too Logan! Hope to see you two!" Patton chirped and happily let Anxiety tug him away.


"Dad," Anxiety said warningly, Dad's smile grew as he readjusted the bags in his hands.

"My jokes aren't bad," Patton began, holding a receipt out, ready to tear it.

"Dad, no." Anxiety hissed, really not wanting to hear any of his dad jokes.
Patton tares the receipt in half, making it impossible to return what they bought at that store.

"They're tear-able!" Patton laughed and Anxiety loudly groaned as they stepped inside their home.

"They really are." Anxiety mumbled, making Patton giggle as he set the bags he was holding down on the kitchen floor. Anxiety does the same and starts putting things away as Patton takes Anxiety's hoodie to the bathroom to scrub a splotch on the front off.

It was a nice day, thinking back on it. Despite a few near panic attacks due to large crowds, people looking at him oddly, and catching his reflection a few times. It was nice, going out with Patton for a few hours and spending some money.

Dad had cracked a few jokes when he noticed his anxiety spiking a bit, bringing him back to normal.
The splotch had came from Patton getting a pretzel, and a small kid had ran up to Anxiety, thinking he was someone else. The kid hugged him, getting their messy hands on his hoodie.
The parents ran up and apologizing to him before carrying the kid back to their table.

Patton came back over, handed Anxiety his cup of mini pretzels, and making a comment on how cute the child was, and that they would wash his hoodie when they got home.

Once everything that belonged in the kitchen was away, Anxiety started to put things away where he thought they would go, Patton started to load the clothes washer and dish washer while humming the theme of Steven Universe.

"We are the crystal lesbians!" Anxiety chimed as he stopped at the kitchen entrance. Dad jumped in surprise and laughed at Anxiety.

"We'll always find a way to scissor." Anxiety sung, going off tune as he grabbed a cup from the cupboard. Patton gave him an odd look and Anxiety let out a airy laugh.

"Ya know dad, I wonder how you're so innocent. Like do I need to give you the talk?" Anxiety laughed as Patton stuck his tongue out at him and closed the dish washer and started it.

"You're just jealous!" Patton said as he jumped onto the couch.

"What's there to be jealous of?" Anxiety laughed and made himself a glass of chocolate milk.

"My great jokes, and my ability to rock a cardigan!" Patton chirped, making Anxiety shake his head with a smile as he set the spoon into the sink and stepped out of the kitchen.

"If I ever switch bodies with you, I'll make sure those are the two first things you forget how to do." Anxiety teased at the base of the stairs. Patton dramatically gasped, and slapped his hand against his chest.

"Hmph, if we'd switch bodies I'd do more good than harm." Patton declared, Anxiety took a sip of his chocolate milk and leant against the wall behind me.

"Plus side though dad, I can wear onesies without looking dumb." Anxiety commented, and Patton laughed.
Deciding to leave this conversation with that, while it was still good, Anxiety took another sip of his chocolate milk before heading upstairs with his cup.

He set his cup down and threw himself down onto his bed, picking up his phone, he turned on his music and took small sips from his cup until it was empty.

He was still yet to tell Princey to go back to Instagram.

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now