{Sixteen} Anastasia, Freckles

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"It said ‘If someone who earns one gets you, but you don't earn it, do you still get it?’" Virgil said, tapping his fingers against a steering wheel.

"Earn it?" Roman asked, lifting his head from the window to look at Virgil.
He nodded as they pulled into the neighborhood, stopping in front of an apartment complex.
Virgil motioned for Roman to wait in the car as Virgil climbs out to go pick up the kid.

"Hey, thanks for taking her. I'll come down to pick her up later this afternoon." James says, and the small caramel girl comes tumbling out of the door with her Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle backpack. She jumps forwards and hugs Virgil tightly.

Virgil ruffled the thirteen years old's hair and gently pulled her off him.

"How're you doin' bugger?" Virgil chuckles, making Anastasia giggle and stick her tongue out at him.

"Say bye to dad. I thought I raised you better Anny." James chuckles, making Anastasia giggle again and attach herself into her father. Her father leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead, he fixed her hair slightly and sent her off with Virgil.

"Bye Dad!" Anastasia called as she climbed down the stairs and held onto his hand as they approached the car.
Roman was tapping his fingers against the dashboard, dancing slightly to the song playing on the radio.

Virgil popped the back door open and Anastasia climbed in as Virgil rounded the car and sat in the front seat. Roman buckled himself back in, and Virgil turned the radio off.

"Hey, that was a good song." Prince whined with a small smile, Anastasia stared at the male curiously.

"Nah, she doesn't wanna hear you screaming. Right A?" Virgil teased, glancing back to the pre-teen who was snickering in the backseat.

"Why, hello fair maiden! I am Roman, regal prince at your service." Roman announced loudly, making Virgil roll his eyes as Anastasia bowed slightly in her seat.

"I'm stuck in a car with nerds!" Virgil groaned at a red light, Roman and Anastasia laughed at him.

"I swear, if I hear anymore about a dragon-witch, I will put rat poison in you drink tomorrow." Virgil mumbled and glared at Roman who smiled at him innocently. Anastasia giggled at the and stretched her arm over the seat and pat Virgil's cheek.

"Don't push your luck kiddo. I'll use your crush against you." Virgil chuckled, making Anastasia squeal in embarrassment as she curled up in his seat.

"Blackmail?" Roman laughed, glancing out the window, noticing they were just passing the park.

"I'll blackmail you too Princey." Virgil said with a smirk.


"Anna!" Pranks practically screamed and flew down the stairs. He wrapped his arms around the girl, nearly making her fall on to her butt from the force of the impact. She giggled, a blush erupting on her cheeks as she hugged him back.

"Ew!" Missy yelled from the top of the stairs, Virgil parroted the twelve year old making both Padon and Anastasia stick their tongues out at them.

"It's young love!" Patton cooed, bringing to two children into another hug. Pranks whined in embarrassment as he pushes on his adoptive father's chest.

"We don't like each other!" The two kids yelled together, Patton just giggles and holds them closer for a few seconds before releasing them.

"Whatever you say, go and play now." Patton ruffled Pranks' hair, before giving him a gentle push on the back and sending them back upstairs.

"No kissing!" Virgil yelled after the pre-teens, making Thomas burst into hysterical laughter as the two yelled his name in utter embarrassment.


"VeVe! Roman's here!" Patton calls from the front door, Virgil lifts himself from the bed, shaking Missy off him before slugging down the stairs. His brain still half dead from just thirteen minutes of sleep.

"Who?" He asked, rubbing his eyes as he leaned against the stairs banister.

"By Zeus's Beard! You have the most adorable freckles!" Roman squeals, Virgil's face heats up a bit as he tried to hide his speckled cheeks with his sleeves.

"Hello intruder." Virgil mumbled, sending a tired glance to Patton, who smiled at him apologetically.

"You go do your face things kiddo, and I'll get Roman here something to drink." Patton let Roman in, Virgil nodded and went back upstairs, entering the hall bathroom and quickly hid his freckles under pale foundation, and lazily applied his eyeshadow under his eyes.

He put everything away neatly, shoving the bottle of anxiety medication back in the bag and harshly zipped it up as if he were mad. Giving himself a final look in the mirror, Virgil messed up his own hair, setting the bangs draping over his face.

Satisfied with the man in the mirror, he stepped back out and nearly tripped over Missy.

"Hello squirt." Virgil chuckled. Missy smiled at him before pushing him out of the way and rushing into the bathroom, practically slamming the door behind himself.
With a roll of his eyes and a small chuckle, Virgil went back downstairs and joined Roman on the couch.

Princey blew lightly on a mug of hot chocolate. Coffee was forbidden in the house.

One, it made Patton a giddy, giggling mess.
Two, Virgil worked with coffee enough as it was.

"What're you doing over here at this fine time of," Virgil checked his phone screen. Not too surprised it was already mid-day.

"Twelve in the afternoon?" Virgil finished, setting his phone back down onto the couch cushion, Roman took a careful sip from the mug, apparently not effected by the obviously still high temperature of the drink.
Steam blew upwards, warming Roman's face as the hot liquid rolled down his throat, and after another small sip, rolls of warmth invaded his body.

"Oh, can I not simply try and drag my dearest friend out of his house beside work?" Roman chuckled lifting his lips from the brim of the cup to send Virgil a white toothed grin.

"Not unless you want to talk my ear off or get me to do something." Virgil replied, and looked over to Patton who was starting on breakfast.

"Oh, don't be such a grump!" Roman chuckled, taking another large sip of the probably still burning chocolate milk.

"Fine. Let me go do something." Virgil groaned and stood up. Roman smiled triumphantly and looked over to Patton, the father figure started a conversation while Virgil trudged up the stairs and changed into appropriate clothes, and his signature jacket.

He managed to get into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He grabbed his pill bottle and rolled it around in his hands.

‘Only earn one.’

He popped it open and laid a pill on his tongue. The tablet immediately set a sour taste where it was, but it was too late to put it back it. He cupped his hands under flowing water, drank from them.

The pill was down.

He shuttered feeling like a pinball machine, the pill clunking around inside him.
Virgil brushed his teeth, replacing the taste of soon to come emotions with the burning sensation of overwhelming mint.

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