{Thirty} The Dreams

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Roman watched for the third night in a row, just Anxiety. He moved in a odd way about his room, naturally erratic movements that showed he was ‘drowning’ again.

“Tears laced with cyanide flow through the cracks of a mirror shattered long ago. And, sure, I'm the one who swing the metal bat. But, hey! I can't control the urge, nobody's gonna blame me for that!”

Anxiety hummed, opening up his closet and jumped back as a rolled up poster fell to his feet.

Roman could move now, but he couldn't interact with anything. He couldn't speak either.

He walked behind him, and the male bent down and threw the rolled paper onto his bed before restarting the song he was listening to and digging further into the closet, finding two more rolled up posters.

Anxiety pulled the door open and ran down the stairs, Roman went to follow him quickly but was stopped at the doorway, anything past the door frame turning black.

He stuck his hand forwards into the darkness and felt around.

“Thanks Dad!” Anxiety called as he ran through Roman and back into his room, throwing the door closed behind him. Roman watched silently as Anxiety started unraveling the posters and pulled duck tape from his desk.

The door clicked and creaked open, Anxiety going oblivious as he started putting up the Nightmare Before Christmas poster by his bed.

Roman stood at the edge of where Anxiety's bedroom ended and the void began. He pushed his toes right up to the urge and brushed his fingers against the dip where the doorframe disappeared and the endless death began.

Then Roman jumped.

He fell, spinning as he did. Joan's laughter filled his ears as he continued to fall, until his temples burned under his skull, until Logan's chanting of possessive turned to screaming, and the sobbing woke him.

He went the rest of the day with a headache.


Another started with him falling. Logan's screaming muffled, Joan's laughter muffled, and the sobbing in full blast.

He fit the ground and saw his lover kneeling in front of them. A signature, caring smile on their face, their orange beanie missing.

Roman went to take their hand and only realized what was in their palm one it was stuck to his. Roman sat up and tried to frantically shake off the blood soaked dagger. It stayed on his palm firmly. He tried pulling it off, but that did no more good then trying to pull off a finger.

Roman stood once the sobbing started up again. It sounded like it was coming from under him. He looked down and cried out in horror at the sight of his dream boyfriend laid in between his ankles hand over one of the many punctures on his chest.

"Oh my God!" Roman exclamation, not taking the time to marvel at his ability to speak.

"Roman dropped to their side and tried to figure out what to do when they world fell to darkness and he was standing with a death certificate in his hands.

The name of who died was scratched out in purple and red ink, and DREAM BOYFRIEND was harshly scratched overtop.

Over the cause of death was !KOOL NO KCAB¡ So Roman did just that.

‘Don't be so possessive’

Roman's hands were shaking all through that day after he woke up.


The next dream came a week later, but was starting off exactly where the last one left.

A hand slipped the paper from Roman. The hand belonged to Patton who was sniffling and looking at him as if he had killed his child or spouse.

“Heartbreak huh? That's how you let him go?” Patton whimpered before dissolving.

Roman was distraught, he called after Patton, screaming upwards for anyone to explain.

And suddenly he was on his bed, a head on his lap, his fingers running through the person's hair. The Nightmare Before Christmas was playing on the TV, and Roman tried to calm his breathing.

“Hey, what's wrong?” His Dream Lover's voice suddenly met his ears. Roman looked down and found the boy that had been laying his head on his lap was sat up and holding his hands.

“Nothing.” Roman replied and leaned forwards, quickly connected his lips with theirs. They responded quickly, the taste of cinnamon gracing Roman's lips as he wrapped his arms around them and pulling them impossibly closer.

Then he was back in the void.

“That's what you prefer more time? Over being here?" Roman's own voice asked him.

"Stop this nonsense!" Roman yelled into the nothing. His own laugh greeted him and Roman wouldn't say the sounded anything less than evil in that moment.

"Put your head on straight. Joan, they are not the one."

Then Roman woke, the lingering taste of black liquorice on his lips all day oddly enough.


The next one didn't waste anytime in making an appearance.

“That's a promise I can't keep.” DL said, pressing his cheek against Roman's neck. Roman exhaled quietly and tired to find words to make it sound like he hadn't been put in the middle of this conversation without context.

“Why ever not?” Roman asked, DL moved to look him in the face and kissed his chin.

“I can't make the dreams stop.” He said and kissed his chin again. Roman smiled subtly, before a perplexed look over took his features.

“It's okay love.” Roman mumbled and pressed his lips against the dream boy's temple.

“You can't kiss me.” The Dream Lover said sharply and Roman shrunk back in surprise.

“Why?” He asked, and the dream boy wiggled free from his grip and stood at the end of the bed.


And when Roman woke up, he knew what the dreams were saying.

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now