{Thirty Five} "Dad, Help"

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Virgil kept grabbing Roman's hand, then after a few minutes pulling away and holding his own wrist.

They had gotten off the bus not too long ago and was now walking to Anxiety's home to tell Patton.

And since Anxiety couldn't seem to decide wether or not he wanted to hold Roman's hand, Roman slid his hand into Anxiety's and squeezed it gently. the anxious male gave a weak squeezed in return.

"Don't be nervous." Roman whispered to him and snuck a kiss on his cheek. Anxiety gasped quietly and lightly hit Roman on the forehead. He leaned against and acted wounded, holding where he had been tapped on the head and groaning.

Anxiety panicked, knowing full well he wasn't strong enough to come close to hurting Roman, and that he hadn't hit Roman hard at all.

"Are you okay?" He pulled Roman's hands off his head and found nothing wrong. He huffed and went to pull away when Roman caught his wrists and pulled him into a playful hug.

"You're so mean." He mumbled into Roman's chest and crossed his arms. Roman laughed and released his boyfriend, who clung onto his arm and leaned his cheek against it.

"What do you think will be the first thing he says?" Anxiety asked after a few minutes of nice silence. Roman chuckled and played with the zipper on Anxiety's jacket as he thought.

"He'd probably yell that weird nickname he gave us." He said as felt Anxiety nuzzled his cheek against him.

"He told you about that?" He asked with a brontide voice. Roman laughed and nodded and Anxiety quietly groaned.

"How do you want to do it love?" Roman asked as he reached the front yard.

"Follow my lead. Actually, stay right here." Virgil positioned him just out of view and went to the door. He unlocked it and poked his head in.

"Dad, help." Virgil called into the house and quickly made his way back to Roman's side. Roman grabbed Virgil's hand and ran his thumb over the smooth skin on the back of his hand comfortingly.

"What'd you need help with kiddo?" Patton asked and wandered out of the house. He stopped mid-step and his eyes widened.

"I'm hopelessly in love." Virgil mumbled and Patton muffled his squeals into his cardigan. Logan soon wandered out of the house and subtly smiled as the new couple as Virgil hid his face into Roman's arm, Patton gushing over the two of them.


Virgil's head fit snuggly under Roman's head. He just found this out. He also found out that he can sit comfortably curled up against Roman's chest if his boyfriend had his legs spread out enough for him to fit.

Roman learned that Anxiety was just thinking enough to easily hold by his sides. But was also ticklish. He found out that if he put his cheek against the back of Anxiety's head and took long deep breaths, his breath would tickle Anxiety's neck and make him pur and whine.

"Stop it Roman." He huffed and moved his head. Roman chuckled leaned his head back against the back of the couch.

"Fine. You party pooper." Anxiety scoffed at this and returned his attention to his phone.

"I like your necklace Anx." Patton said and Logan shot him a look from over the rim of his mug.

"Me too." Anxiety replied and Roman gave a short laugh.

"You're welcome." He said and without skipping a beat, or looking up from his phone he replied.

"I welcome." Patton giggled at this.

"Don't you mean thank you?" Logan asked as he set his mug down and locked the coffee off his top lip.

"You're welcome." Anxiety replied and Roman laughed.

"You people are impossible." Logan mumbled to himself and took another sip of his beverage.

"Hey Patt, where'd you get that coffee?" Anxiety asked, still not looking up from his Tumblr feed.

Patton's eyes widened and he remained silent. Roman watched in amusement as he fidgeted in his chair like he was being interrogated for a crime.

"Thought so, you traitor." Anxiety said with a smirk. He turned off his phone, leaned away from Roman and stretched forwards, back and shoulders popping and he mewed in contentment.

"God, you really are a cat." Roman laughed and kissed his cheek. Anxiety flushed but scowled at him.

"If so, I'll claw your eyes out." He said and Roman took one of small hands in his.

"Good thing love is blind my dearest." Roman cooed as Patton silently swooned at seeing his kiddo- and step-kiddo in love.

"Disgusting." Anxiety mumbled and Roman made an offended noise in response.

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