{Thirty Eight} Fabric Hearts

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Roman sat criss-cross on the ground as he held the small black heart against his sash, using it as a template the cut out the exact same heart from the red material.

He held the red heart in-between his teeth as he grabbed the same thick, grey thread he used on Virgil's new jacket, and sewed the black heart into the hole on his sash. He hummed as he worked and tried not to chew on the fabric heart held by his lips.

He put his sash back on and stood. He moved to the full body mirror hanging off his bedroom door and regarded his appearance. He fixed his hair quick, blew himself a kiss, and exited his room.

Virgil was sat on the coffee table, his headphones on and fingers gliding around in the phone screen. Roman gazed at him and wondered how he'd gotten so lucky.

Virgil just looked so peaceful, not stressing out over the people around him, or loathing in self hate. He didn't need to be saved now. And Roman didn't want to change that.

His fragile little Anxiety, was his, and his alone. And gee, ain't that the best?


"Now you can make black heart jokes." Virgil said, and Roman grunted in confusion. The couple had retreated to Roman's room, where he had made the grave mistake of laying on his chest for a bit too long. Virgil had climbed into his back and Roman was in an awkward enough position it wasn't easy to shake him off.

"Ya know. Black nails," Virgil gazed at the black painted nail on his thumb as he tapped in his phone screen.

"Like my black soul." He said and Roman quietly groaned.

"I have a golden heart." Roman grumbled and tried to roll over again to knock Virgil off. The cat like male crawled off and Roman quickly sat up and stretched.

Virgil yawned and curled up against Roman's side, and nuzzled his nose against Roman's knee. Roman tried to stay annoyed with him.

"Ya know, it's hard to stay mad when you crush my ribs if you act this cute." Roman said with a fake pout and Virgil's face scrunched up.

"Whatever you say." He mumbled and closed his eyes again. Roman smiled at him and massaged his fingers in Virgil's hair. His boyfriend purred and nuzzled his head into Roman's palm.

Yeah, he didn't need saving now.

{shorter chapter cause the end is next.}

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