{Twenty} What Did You Do With My Heart?

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Honestly I've been writing so much angst on Tumblr, so I'm a fucking professional now~

TW: Cursing, crying, yelling, self hate, fire, death, gay shit,

Roman decided now was the time to finally start the grand search for him.

He downloaded several top notch dating apps. If he was his soulmate, he would definitely be able to find him on one of these.

Anxiety was getting closer to Roman. They became better friends over the last year and a half.

He was scared that he'd become too dependant on Roman as his only non-family help line. The one he could run to if even Patton's love didn't effice. But he didn't know if it was the high of a good friend ship or a foreign emotion.

Currently, he was stuck with Logan as Roman wandered about the convention.

"I actually read an article on that." Logan replied, making Virgil's eye brows raise in interest. Talking to Logan was actually quite entertaining when the certain topics showed their heads.

"They had a particularly long article on love as an emotion." Logan continued, "Love is a variety of different emotional and mental states. Typically strongly and positively experienced, that ranges from deepest interpersonal affection to simple pleasure. An example of this range of meanings is that the love of a mother differs from the love of a spouse differs from the love of food." Virgil chuckled in astonishment.

"Did you memorize a Wikipedia article just for this conversation?" He asked with a small smirk. Logan scanned his expression carefully before slowly nodding.

"I couldn't do that, I have like, the attention span of a goldfish." Virgil leaned back and chuckled, cringing inwardly at his stupid use of ‘like.’

"Goldfish actually have quite the good attention span, they can-" Logan began but was cut off by a certain sash wearing male bouncing towards them.and shoving his seat to the side. The logical male yelped and repositioned himself so he wouldn't go flying if Roman tried that again.

"Jesus, where'd you come from Heather Chandler?" Virgil said with raised eyebrows. He was still recovering from ‘The Aftereffects’ and wouldn't be back to normal til a few weeks from now.

"Where ever is Patton?" To asked dramatically, ignoring both Logan's glare as he recleaned his glasses and Virgil's question.

"Oh, he went to go chat off my doc's ear." Virgil replied numbly, putting up lazy quotation marks while saying ‘chat.’

How Patton figured out what happened was beyond him, he'd have to be sneakier with his next prescription. Whatever that was.

"I should join him! He may need help defeating that beast!" Roman declared loudly as he sat at the table, holding up a straw like a sword.

"Yeah okay you maninst." Virgil chuckled, making both Logan's and Roman's face screw up in confusion.

"Man in- what?" Roman's straw sword dropped to the table as Logan slipped out his phone to check his vocabulary list.

Maninst certainly wasn't a real word. Logan concluded this as he couldn't find it in the M section of his vocabulary.

"Like a feminist, for men." Virgil said as if the two other male's were stupid. Logan quickly added maninst to his list, finding where it would go alphabetically. Roman's face screwed up even more in confusion before a wash of realization hit him.

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now