{Seventeen} At The Park

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"Where're we goin'?" Virgil asked, closing the front door behind him. Roman smiles and walks over to a red car. Anxiety follows him, making sure this spare house keys were in his back pocket.

Roman opened the car door for Virgil, bowing elegantly as Virgil walks over to him.

"I found something at the park I thought you might enjoy." Roman said as Virgil climbed in and buckled himself in. The car was clean, and quite nice actually. Black leather seats with silver decorations littering them.

Roman sat in the driver's seat, and started up the car again. The car ride was filled with idle chatter from the two, mostly Roman, and short comfortable silence.

"Any dream activity?" Virgil asked, glancing away from the window, and to a quietly humming Princey.

"Hmm? No, sadly nothing." Roman dramatically, eyes not moving from the road.
At least he was a responsible driver.

"They got tired of you after a few nights." Virgil chuckled, making Roman whine something unintelligible. Virgil laughed at him again and leaned against the door, the side of his head resting against the glass.


"I'm getting carsick." Virgil groaned, unsure if it was motion sickness or his pills. Roman laughed at him reaching over and patting his shoulder as they pulled up to the park.

As the car came to a complete stop, Virgil immediately unbuckled and jumped out. Roman stepped out, laughing at him until he noticed the quiet gagging he was making.

Virgil had moved too fast. It was definitely the pill taking affect. He felt last night's dinner wanting to rise, and choked down the vile taste rising up his throat.

Roman gently rubbed his back, looking at him worriedly. Virgil swallowed thickly and lifted his head, pushing his hand off, he shot him a small smile, which Roman returned.

"Okay, where is the sacrifice sight?" Virgil asked, making a passing by mother glare at him as Roman rolled his eyes.

"God, this way." Roman started off and Virgil followed him into the park. Roman kept glancing to Virgil, noticing every time his arm twitched and his Adam's apple moving as he swallowed every so often.

"Cool." Virgil commented as Roman showed the abandoned building he had found. Virgil ventures forwards, peeling a bit of the plastic wood from the outside. He jolts back as bugs pool out from where the plastic had been peeled away from.
Virgil drops it, crushing a few bugs under his shoe as Roman joins his side.

"What is this place?" Virgil asks, looking up the side of the building. Roman shrugs and follows his gaze up to a shattered window on the second floor.

"I haven't a clue." Roman said, noticing Virgil start to sway a bit.

"Let's go in." Virgil said and quickly disappeared into the building, the slightly moldy door falling closed behind the emo nightmare.

Roman's eyes widen and he quickly followed after Virgil. When he opened the door, the hinges creaked loudly before completely snapping off, the handle cracking as well.
Roman gently leaned the door against the outside of the building before heading in.

Of course, Anxiety was no where to be seen.

"Anxiety!" Roman called, the room looked like some kind summer home. Disgustingly dirty bear rug, caved in fireplace, clawed up chairs, stains splashed across the walls.

"Marco!" Virgil called back, his head poking out from around the corner the stairs made.

"Polo." Roman said with a chuckle and the shake off his head. Anxiety disappeared back around the corner and his footsteps hurried back up the stairs.

Roman followed after him, cautious of the creaking the stairs were making as he stepped on them. Once he was at the top, he opened a door (that actually stayed on it's hinges), and entered into a master bedroom.

Anxiety was reaching out of the window, Roman's eyes widen again when he heard a subtle snap.

"Found a fucking pinecone." Virgil threw it at him lightly. Roman chuckled as he struggled to catch it.

"You seem more energetic than you normally are." He commented, making Anxiety shrug.

"I took my meds." Virgil giggled and threw another pinecone at Roman.

"You did? Why?" Roman asked, managing to somehow catch the second pinecone thrown at him.
Virgil shrugged with a lopsided grin and leaned halfway out of the window.

"What side effects does it have?" Roman asked, stepping closer so he could be able to quickly grab him if Anxiety started to fall.

"Um, we got it from a shitty ass doctor. Basically pumps me full of dopamine before making me really depressed 'n shit." Virgil says and quickly pulls his hand back in when a squirrel jumped down from a lower level and scurried back up the tree.

"Is that why you don't take them?" Roman asked, getting more and more worried he'd cut himself on the glass of fall out.

"Ask me when the after effects kick in. I'm too loopy feelin' now." Anxiety chuckled and moved away from the window, poking Roman's chest as he passed him.

Roman followed behind him, again noticing the drunken sway in his step.

"Let's take you home." Roman said and tried to guide Anxiety out of the decaying building.
Anxiety smacked his hand away, hissing.

Oh yeah, hates contact.

Roman huffed and grabbed him by the front of his jacket. Anxiety glared at him, a hand clamping down on top of Roman's, but didn't try and pull him off.
Roman gently pulled Anxiety out and towards the car, the unfamiliar sensation of Anxiety's hand on his sent rolls of warmth up his arm and through his entire body like the hot chocolate had done.

Except this was a much more pleasant warmth.

Roman opened Anxiety's door and the shorter male begrudgingly sat down in the car. Closing the door for the other male, Roman rounded the car and got in as well.

By the time Roman had buckled himself in, started the car, and finally looked back at Anxiety, he was already passed out. His head leaning against the car window, his arms crossed across his chest.

Roman chuckled​ and reached over, carefully buckling Anxiety in for the sleeping male.

Maybe he should tell Patton about the pills side effects.

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