{Thirty Two} Laughing

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Virgil was embarrassed to admit it to himself, but he had to. He was still head over heels for Roman. But he had just gotten him back as a friend, and real love didn't work this fast.

And Roman wasn't ashamed to admit he was completely enthralled by him. But was ashamed to admit bit took him so long to realize what his feelings meant.

Virgil handed Roman a straw and the slightly taller male smiled and playfully snatched it away. He sat back down at his table and watched Virgil work.

Virgil kept glancing at him from the corner of his eye and tried not to show his embarrassment and how uncomfortable he was being watched.

"How can I help you?" He asked at next costumer.

Roman wondered if Anxiety would ever love him back. It if Roman would soon start throwing up flowers.

If his love was requited he'd make sure to sweep him off his feet with overly grand gestures. Steal a kiss under the moon on sand that would haunt his car for months afterwards. Be the one his arms wrapped around when watching something scary- or inappropriate, and be the neck he would hide in.

"Net!" Anxiety called and held out a tray of drinks. A tiny male bounced up, rainbow suspenders the most noticable thing on him.

Virgil made sure he didn't drop the entire tray onto the small boy. He grunted slightly as he leaned over the counter and handed it to him, and the money was given to him quickly.

Could Roman every romantically feel anything for him? It'd be nice to cuddle up to someone without having to tell himself that it meant nothing, or that person holding him was Dad.

It would be nice to finally loose his first first kiss too.


Virgil pouted at Patton and crossed his arms. Roman chuckled and pinched his cheek lightly.

"That's adorable!" Roman cooed and Patton giggled in agreement.

"There was this one time in third grade where he had to present in front of the class, and had to have someone older than him come in and help. So I was running late and he was standing with the teacher in front of the classroom when I came in, in a dog onesie, my class had a pajama day that day, so I had to help And with a very serious science project in my pajamas." Patton rambled, Virgil flushing in embarrassment at the memory.

"Everyone called him puppy after that." Virgil mumbled and picked at the loose strings on the cuff of his hoodie sleeve.

"Very fitting." Roman chuckled, moving his arm so that it was draped across the back of the couch and slightly on Virgil's shoulders.

Patton watched from the kitchen table with a stupidly big grin as Virgil didn't flinch away or move his arm back.

"Remember that one time a kid had a birthday, and you had said at as kid passed out the cupcakes last time if someone brought you a whole cake you'd eat it. So the kid does," Virgil looks Roman straight in the eye as he continues his story, a smile growing on his face as he recalled what happens next.

"And brings this big ass cake. Like the size of my fucking head." Virgil laughs and Patton follows with a fit of giggles, also remembering where this was going to go.

"And Patt scoffs down most of it before the custodian took it away from him in a panic, having just watched this kid inhale a majority of this chocolatey ass cake. Like, the cake was chocolate, with chocolate filling, and chocolate icing. And Patton had already had a carton of strawberry milk, so he wasn't eating this on an empty stomach." Roman doesn't remember a single time he hears Anxiety speak this much, for so long other than their love debates. But he wasn't about to stop him.

"Lunch ends, the kid gets the rest of the cake back, and gives it to a nauseous feeling Patton on the bus. I was sat in the front and didn't see this, but I heard loud gagging then like a squishing sound." Virgil chuckles, and Roman cringed at the imagery of vomit that made a squish.

"The bus driver flips out and pulls over the bus, and I'm heaving, and as he gets to me, I puke all over his shoes!" Patton cackles.

"He screams ooper loudly and slips in my vomit and some kid has opened the fire escape in the very back of the bus and the kids behind me are getting out from there and watching from behind the bus." Virgil laughter had Patton pause and smile at him. Roman smiled and watched as the emo curled up on himself, his face flushed as his hands moved to his sides.

Anxiety needs to laugh more.
I need to make him laugh like this more. Roman thought and joined in his crush's laughter.

[UGGHHH, HapPY hAllowEEn!]
[I Dunno what to do now.] [Hellpp, I wanna have Roman do something overly dramatic but I dunno what.]

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