{Thirty Four} Dad Helped

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Roman leaned in, trying to decide if he should put it on him, or kiss him first. How would he react. Roman played the safe card and placed the necklace around his neck.

It was a simple silver ring with small text spelling out ‘Keep Me In Your Heart’ in the metal. The inside of the ring was a small golden crown with a tiny diamond on the front.

Anxiety fidgeted as Roman moved away from him and tried to keep himself calm.

"Okay, look!" Roman chirped, he was wearing a similar necklace, except the crown in his necklace was black.

Anxiety's eyes fluttered open and he looked down at the necklace as Roman pulled his out from under his shirt. He set it carefully over his sash and grew antsy as Anxiety looked back at him.

"All this for a necklace Princey?" He chuckled and crossed his arms, Roman flushed and twitched nervously with anticipation.

"Not just that my chemically imbalanced romance!" Roman declared and took Anxiety's hand in his own.

"Come with me, I'm sure you would prefer a more private area for what's about the happen!" Roman laughed, and lightly pulled on Anxiety's wrist to have him walk with him.

"Ugh, I've been walking all day Ramen." Anxiety groaned and pouted at Roman, who's smile widened. The regal male turned towards his crush and swept him from his feet, quickly finding he enjoyed the shorter male's arms around his neck.

"Woah, warn a guy next time?" He mumbled, but didn't struggle against him. Only fidgeting when he was uncomfortable.

Roman took him to a less populated area and stood Anxiety on a bench. Anxiety wobbled a bit before sinking down to sit on the bench. He looked up at Roman, now awaiting the explanation for the treasure hunt.

"Anxiety, we've known each other for a while, correct?" Roman started, and predictably Anxiety shrugged.

"And we've have debates about my type of love, and your type of love." Roman continued, searching Anxiety for any and all reaction.

"Well I think I've found a argument I hope you finally can't counter." Roman placed his hands on his hips, Virgil leaned back against the bench and raised a brow.

"Oh really? I-" He stopped as Roman drew closer and dropped to one knee. Anxiety's eyes widened as Roman smirked and pulled him forwards by the front of his jacket.

"I love you, and you hopefully love me too." Roman wanted to close his eyes, or kiss him, or run away, or hug him, or-

"I think you were right for once. I can't counter that." Anxiety said and quickly wrapped his arms around Roman's neck again and connected their lips.

Roman smiled into the kiss, the taste of cinnamon and black liquorice gracing his lips as he finally felt at peace.

Anxiety was the first to pull away, and hid his face behind his jacket sleeves as Roman smiled at him and ran his fingertips over his lips to press in the flavor on Anxiety's into his.

"Would you be my real life lover?" Roman asked, grabbing his dream lover's hand and kissed his knuckles.

"What about the dream boy you've been stalking?" He asked and Roman smiled again, just overflowing with joy.

"He's sat directly in front of me." He replied and Anxiety's eyes widened for a moment, and Roman worried if this was all too much for him. Maybe he should take it slower.

"Well if you've been stalking me, I dunno if I can refuse now." Anxiety chuckled and Romans jumped forwards in excitement and brought Anxiety into a hug.

Anxiety chuckled and barried his face into Roman's shoulder.


Virgil marveled at the sensation of holding Roman's hand, and having Roman squeeze his firmly.

"Who else helped you plan that?" Virgil asked as he crumbled up he plastic wrap from the popcorn in his hand.

"Patt, and Logan." Roman replied and rocked on his heels, stopping under the bus stop.

"Dad help you?" Virgil asked, and Roman chuckled.

"Yep!" He chirped, popping the P as he rocked up on his heels.

"So he won't freak out when we get to my home." Virgil mumbled relieved, and Roman laughed.

"He could barely hold himself together while I was showing him your necklace. I wouldn't have much faith in his ability to keep calm." Roman chortled and brought Virgil's hand up and kissed the back of it.

"Ew, you're so affectionate." Virgil stuck his tongue out playfully and pretend gaged, Roman rolled his eyes and failed to keep a straight face.

"Can you tell me your name now?" Roman asked, hoping he could now replace all the Anxietys on his love poems to his boyfriend's real name.

"Nah. You'll have to guess still." He chuckled as the bus pulled up and Roman pouted.

"You're no fun!" Roman whined as he climbed on behind his new boyfriend. He looked back at Roman with a raised brow and slid into an empty seat.

"I'm a lot of fun." He replied and took out his phone. Roman sat next to him and draped his arm around his shoulders.

"You're a lot of emo." Roman said as he rested his head against Anxiety's shoulder.

"You keep this up and you're gonna kill the honeymoon high real quick." Anxiety commented and typed the password to his phone.

"Hun, I'm always on a honeymoon high around you. I'll be fine." Roman chuckled.

"The chase is more entertaining than the catch." Anxiety replied making Roman pout.

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