How It Ended Ch 2

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Hermione POV

When I walked into the Great Hall, I couldn't help but feel sad for every one lost in the war, so many people I loved gone forever. I could see it on Ginny's face too. It would always be that way now, we had all been through so much, and the scars that it left would not be easily erased.  

After all of the first years were sorted, and the feast began, I started thinking about Ron and how much I missed him already. Although that kiss crept back up into my mind, I couldn't help feel as if something was wrong. If only I knew what it was. 

"'Mione!" Ginny called.

"Yeah?" I said I must have been really lost in my thoughts because I didn't hear her call my name. 

"Did you hear what I said?"

"No," I replied, "I'm sorry. What is it?"

"I asked if it was normal to receive mail already; it's only the first night we just got here," Ginny asked me with some concern in her voice. 

"No." Then I looked down and saw that I had a letter sitting in front of me. I hadn't even noticed it being dropped or any owls. I must have really been thinking hard. I started to panic; we should not get letters until the morning at breakfast. Ron. Harry. What if something happened to them during training. But then I looked at Ginny, and she didn't have one, so that couldn't be what it was; she should be the one to get the letters. I mean, she is engaged to Harry after all. So I open it carefully, and there were just three words. 

'We're over.


Tears start to pour down my face; first night back, and everything is already going wrong. How could Ron do this to me? We had been together all summer. If he didn't want to be together, couldn't he have just told me so face to face? Sending that cold message over a letter seemed downright evil.

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