Going Back Ch 1

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Hermione POV

I woke up on a beautiful summer day from an owl pecking at my window, and as I got out of bed, I realized that it had my Hogwarts letter. I began to be filled with so much excitement, and then when I opened it, I got even more excited because it informed me that I was chosen as Head Girl. This was so amazing I instantly ran down the stairs at the Burrow to tell Ginny, Harry, and most importantly, Ron. I couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts with the three of them and have a nice normal year with no drama. The summer after the war was drawing to a close, and I was eager to get back to Hogwarts's numerous classes. It has been quite a long year last year, missing class was the least of my worries, and everything was starting to feel normal again.

When I went downstairs, I saw Harry Ron and Ginny sitting at the table, and they all had their letters too. I was hoping that we would all be going back together. It wouldn't be the same without Harry and Ron of course. We had been inseparable since they had rescued me from the troll in our first year.

"Hey guys," I started, "I see you got your letters too. Aren't you excited to go back!"

Ginny practically screamed, "Yes! I cannot wait to share a dorm with you 'Mione finally."

I felt my smile slide off my face. It would have been nice to share my dorm with Ginny but, "Oh Gin, I'm so sorry, but we won't be able to share a dorm this year either because I'll have my own because I was chosen as Head Girl."

"That's all right 'Mione! That is wonderful news though." She didn't seem as excited any more and even less excited when Ron finally looked at me and just said, "We aren't going."

I looked between Ron and Harry, confused for a moment, trying to hide the tears that were threatening to fall out of my eyes. How could they not hot back to Hogwarts? Didn't they want to finish their training?

"Sorry 'Mione we are going to start our training right away and the Ministry said we didn't have to go back and finish our last year, we will miss you though," Harry said this in a much more caring tone, and I could tell he was much more upset about the decision because he is going to have to say goodbye to Ginny.

"Well, as long as the two of you are safe and happy, then I am okay with it." I forced myself to smile and hugged them both. At least we were all going to be safe.


"Bye, you guys be safe, please, and do not forget to write to me!" I called out one last time before trying to kiss Ron goodbye, but he turned away too fast and started walking away. As I boarded the train, all I could think about was that kiss that turned out not to be. But I would have to push that to the back of my mind for now because I was going back.

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