Unveiling Ch 38

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Draco's POV

I hope everyone likes what I thought of. I know they all gave so much during the war. We walked over to the tree, and then McGonagall, Hermione, and I all walked over to the curtain that was hiding it. McGonagall asked for a moment of silence, and after she revealed the tree. People started to cry, and I heard a few gasps. It really was beautiful. The tree was large, and everyone's names were carved in and then painted over in gold. The names moved around the tree, and tiny candles were floating by the top of the tree with little boxes that people could put letters and gifts in.

"Draco, would you like to say something?" McGonagall asked me.

I nodded and faced everyone. "This is the memorial that Hermione and I came up with, Professor Sprout grew this amazing tree, and the headmistress helped carve everyone's names in the truck. I want you all to know that this is meant to honor your loved ones, and I hope that nothing like that happens ever again. I want to send my deepest apologies to all of you for everything you have gone through. The boxes are for if you want to write letters to your loved ones. Once the letters are in a box, you are the only one that can take it out so no one will be able to read it unless you want them to. You can leave whatever you wish. McGonagall and I have come to an agreement that on the anniversary of the battle every year that Hogwarts will be open to anyone who wishes to visit and leave anything." 

Hermione squeezed my hand, smiled, and then walked over to Mrs. Weasley; she was crying, and Hermione said something to her, and then they both walked over to me.

"Young man, Hermione informed me that this was all your idea. I just want to thank you for it; it is beautiful." She was crying and hugging me. I hugged her back.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."

Many people left letters in the different boxes and empty lanterns. Hermione put one in and started to cry. Ginny hugged her and looked back at me, signaling me to come over. I did. She let go and turned her around, and she sunk into my arms. I kissed her head.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"I just miss him; I just wish everything could go back to the way it was." She was crying into my robes.

"Who Hermione."

"Fred. George misses him so much, and Mrs. Weasley had to bury one of her sons. It is not fair."

"He's with you still sweetheart, you said so yourself." I was trying my best not to break down. Fred and George were quite the pair. I secretly always loved their pranks.

"I know. Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too, Hermione."

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