Making Plans Ch 14

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Hermione POV

After I left the Headmistress's office, I was so excited. Before I found Draco to ask him why he was being so weird and tell him my plan to get all the prefects together, I had to find Ginny. 


"Hey 'Mione, you look happy," she smirked and then whispered so that only I could hear, "Did you snog with Malfoy again?"

I blushed. I hadn't, but the thought of doing so made me giddy inside. "No," I said indignantly, "I am excited because I talked to McGonagall today and two things. She said, yes! You can stay with me in my dorm!!!!"

Ginny squealed, "Yes! That is great news. I can pack my stuff up and move in this weekend. Girls night every night." I was grateful that McGonagall was allowing this. She seemed to think that it was unfair and completely wrong that Ginny was alone in her dorms. 

I laughed. It was going to be fun being around my best friend so much. "What is the second thing that made you so happy?" she asked.

"Well, we are going to have a ball!!" I clapped my hands in excitement.

"No way, really that's great." she seemed excited too. 

"Yeah, and since you're a prefect you get to help plan it too. I am about to go talk to Malfoy and send everyone an owl to meet in Hogsmeade tomorrow at the Three Broomsticks."

"That sounds great. I was going anyway. Harry said that he would meet me there. Do you mind if he crashes the meeting?"

"No, of course, not Ginny. It'll be great to see Harry."

"Perfect," she shouted as she started to walk away, "I'll see you tomorrow then, owl me the time."

When I finally got back to the dorm, I saw Malfoy sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. "Draco, what's wrong?"

He looked startled to see me, "Nothing, I'm just tired is all."

"I don't believe that for one second, now please tell me, if we are going to be together for real and have everyone see us, then we are going to have to trust one another."

"I was nervous about being there," he hesitated, "You know in her office."

"Why? She might look intimidating, but she is really so sweet."

"It's just that my mom got her to give me the Head Boy position because she wanted me to have a fresh start here, you know, with everything in my past. And it just reminded me of my mom and how much I miss her."

"Well, why don't you owl her to meet you in Hogsmeade tomorrow? I'm going to have all the prefects meet there at noon so that we can talk about the ball. Then you could have dinner with her afterward."

He looked at me, and I could see the sadness in his eyes return. What did I say?

"She hasn't talked to me since they took him away." he all but whispered the last part. It took me a minute to figure out who he was. Then it hit me; I saw earlier this summer that they had locked Lucius Malfoy away in Azkaban. I mean, he deserves it, but that must have been hard on Draco.

"You know my parents don't even know who I am." 

He looked up, shocked by what I just said. "What."

"I had to obliviate them before the war and move them to Australia so that they would be safe from the war here. With all the Muggles dying and getting attacked, I didn't want them to be in danger because of who I was." I had started to cry, and Draco had pulled me over onto the couch and started to wrap his arms around me. I sunk into them like a little kid. He was so strong, and I felt so safe there in his arms. "I still haven't found them yet. I hope that they are okay, and I am not the reason they are dead."

"I'm sure they are fine, sweetheart..." he stopped, I'm sure, not knowing how I would react to being called that. But I liked it, and I smiled. No one had ever made me smile when I was thinking about my parents before, not even Harry or Ron.

"I think I like it when you call me that Draco."

"Good, cause I liked saying it."

"Do you think noon sounds ok because I should really message the prefects about the meeting before dinner, so they have time to plan?"

"Yes, I think that is a great idea. I'm sorry that I didn't say anything earlier."

"It's okay; I'll see you later, okay. After dinner, want to study together?" 

"Sounds good, sweetheart. See you then." He smiled the whole time he said that. I think that life is beginning to look up. I have a weird feeling, though, that it wasn't going to last; I pushed it to the back of my mind because I had planning to do right now, and I was happy. 

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