Letter To Cissy Ch 16

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All Characters Belong to JK Rowling!!!!!!

Draco POV

When we got back to the castle, Hermione went down to dinner, but I stayed in our room because I wanted to write to my Mother finally about Hermione. If I didn't know 100 percent that I loved Hermione, today showed me that I did. She is such a good leader, and she is such a strong woman. She didn't need Potter or me to save her from the Weasel King. I sat down at the desk and started to write. I hope that Mother actually writes back this time. I want her to talk to me again. I want to introduce her to Hermione over Christmas break. 

'Dear mother,

I am writing to you again in hopes that you will return my letter. I need you to be ready to meet someone over the Christmas holiday. I have found the woman I want to marry and spend the rest of my life with. She is so smart, brave, caring, and, most of all, she knows the real me and doesn't hold my past over my head every day like the rest of the world. You have to know that this girl is my future and that she will help me in so many ways possible. I hope that you want to meet her because I know you will like her. She may be different from everyone else that we associate ourselves with, but I don't care. I love her for her, and I believe she loves me too. I would do anything for her, as I would do for you, Mother. Please write back. I miss you, dearly.

With all my love as always.

Your son,


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