My Reply Ch 8

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Hermione POV 

"You should do it, the letter made it sound like he really cared, and he really might need some help. You never know, 'Mione. War changes people." Ginny said this for what seemed like the thousandth time since breakfast. I still didn't know what to do, or if this was just all one big set up to try and trick me into going somewhere and get a prank pulled on me or something else that would make me feel worse than I already do. But no, Ginny thought it was a great idea. I have no idea why. I mean, it is Malfoy we are talking about here, but I don't think I can argue with her anymore. I think she finally wore me down. Which means I'm going. 

"Fine. I'll do it," I sigh, "But if this ends badly, I'm blaming it all on you."


I got out my parchment, quill, and ink to write a reply back to Malfoy. It was almost dinner, and I want to get this over with tonight.

' Room of Requirement, 9 p.m. tonight


I charmed the paper to fly to Malfoy where ever he was, and then I went to the library before I had to go to dinner because Slughorn gave us an essay on the first day, and since I wasn't in class, it had to be double the length. 

Draco POV

A paper airplane came rushing toward me in the common room I shared with Hermione. I opened it to read what it said. I couldn't believe she was really going to help me. My heart started beating faster. I was so excited I wish that is wasn't still before dinner. 9 was such a long way away from now. I guess I'll busy myself with that essay that is due Friday for Slughorn.

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