Letter Back Ch 19

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Draco POV

It was two days since I had written to my mother, and she still hadn't written me back yet. I was starting to lose hope that I would ever get a letter back from my mother. That she would never meet Hermione. I was starting to get upset because all I wanted was for her to be part of the family—my mother part of Hermione's family and Hermione part of mine. We had only been together for a week, and I knew already that I needed her forever. If I ever lost her for whatever reason, I don't know what I would do with myself. Just like now, I don't know what to do with myself, my mother sacrificed everything to keep me safe, and up until Hermione, there was no other person in the world that I cared about. I just needed her to know that I was okay and that I am still her son, and I would do anything for her. I want her to be okay.

"Hi, sweetheart," Hermione had come into the dorm room and started speaking to me, but when I didn't look up, she continued in a worried tone, " are you okay, Draco?"

"I'm fine. I don't know why my mother won't write me back. What if something terrible has happened to her?"

"Oh Draco, what can I do to help, I know you're worried about her, but I'm sure she needs some time. A lot has happened, and you moving away from her so soon after everything that happened might have been really hard for her. After constantly worrying about you all those years, I'm sure she cannot turn that off, and she needs time to realize that her baby is all grown up."

"I know your right, but I need her to write back because I want to ask you something, and it depends on her answer."

Hermione looked at me, shocked, "You need to ask me something?"

"I guess I have to ask you now...I told mother I wanted you to come to the Manor for the Christmas holiday."

Hermione let a small smile slip, "I would love that Draco," but as soon as she said that, her smile faded quickly into a frown, and she started to rub her arm. How could I be so stupid? Of course, she doesn't want to go to the Manor; she was tortured there.

"Hermione, I'm so sorry! I should have thought that you would never want to go back there. You do not have to do that; maybe we can go somewhere together. I want to celebrate Christmas with you. I don't remember the last good Christmas I had. I was being selfish."

Her smile was back, " I would love to spend Christmas with you. We can talk about it maybe after the ball. I need to think about it, but being together would be nice. Last Christmas, Harry and I got attacked by Nagini so that you will be a big step up from that." She was giggling. How could so many terrible things happen to this woman and her be so positive and happy?

"I'm so glad." I had a smile on my face, and I leaned in to kiss her, but right when we were about to, I heard a peck on the window. I looked up, and I couldn't believe it—my mother's owl. 

"Hermione." I practically whispered. 

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" I could sense the disappointment. I would like to have kissed her too, but it was my mother's owl.

"It's her owl." I got up and walked toward the window and let the owl in. He flew into the room and perched itself on the bookshelves. I slowly took the letter. I was still in disbelief. 

"Who is it from Draco?" Hermione's sweet loving voice broke my trance. 

"It has our crest on it. That can only mean two things. My mother or father." I opened it slowly and looked right at the bottom and saw 'Narcissa'  "It's from her." I smiled so big.

"That is wonderful, dear. Do you want me to give you some privacy?"

"What, no, you can stay here. I don't want to have any secrets between us." I looked down and started to read.

' Dear Draco,

I know it has been a long time since I have responded or written back to you. I am truly sorry about this. Having you leave was one of the hardest things I've had to do since everything ended. I am grateful for all the letters you have sent to me. I thought you would be too busy and forget about me, but I should have known better. I am glad you are doing well in school and that you are enjoying yourself as Head Boy. You always were good at being a leader. I hope that not many people are giving you a hard time, students and teachers alike. Without you or your father in this house, I am rather lonely, but since that last letter you have sent, I have kept myself busy. I am so happy you found someone who sees the real you and that your heart is happy. That is all I have ever wanted for you. I have been redoing my garden and redecorating some of the rooms. I am so happy we will have some company over Christmas. I have even thought of contacting Andromeda to see if we can mend things. I would really like to have the family back together and have a proper holiday. If there is anything that you need, I promise to stay in contact better than I have. I want to tell you that I will figure a way to take out that awful room. I do not think I can have a proper New Years' party somewhere so many people were hurt. I love you, dearly, Draco, and I hope that everything is going well. See you for Christmas, and do write some more. I love your letters.

Your mother now and always,


 I read and reread the letter two or three times. She was doing better, and she will write more. That is perfect. I couldn't be happier. I did not lose my mother after all, and Hermione wants to spend Christmas with me. I think that this year might be a good one, after all. 

"Is everything alright?" Hermione's voice cut through my thoughts, "You sure are smiling."

"She is redoing her garden and redoing some of the rooms. The last time she touched that garden was before fourth year. She must be thrilled."

"That is good. I told you she just needed time. Everything worked out," She paused a looked at me, trying to decide if she should ask or not, "Did she say anything about me?"

"She said she is excited to have the company and that she is going to throw a New Years' ball. I didn't exactly tell her you were you, though. I wanted it to be a surprise, and I know that might make you worried, but Mother is not like my father, Hermione. She wants me to be happy; I promise nothing will happen to you while I'm by your side." 

"I would like to meet her, Draco. I think I will be able to do it. Come there, I mean, I don't want to go in that room. Ever again."

"Well, I can make sure of that, and mother says she is trying to figure out a way to get rid of it."

"Okay, that's good. I think I'm going to go to bed, Draco. I'm glad you and I are going to spend Christmas together. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Hermione," I told her as she walked up the stairs and out of sight. She really is the smartest and most wonderful witch of her again, and hopefully, at Christmas, I will make her all mine. I got out my quill and ink to write my mother back. She asked if I needed anything, and I need two things. The Malfoy ring and a mask...The ball was coming up quicker than I would care to admit, and I was nervous to ask Hermione to go with me.

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