The Letter Ch7

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Hermione POV

After a night and a full day of crying in the dorm, I finally decided that it was time to go down to breakfast. When I sat down, I looked over at the Slytherin table. I still couldn't get what Malfoy did to me out of my head. Why had he been so nice to me? When I finally found where he was sitting, he was looking at me already, but not like in the past. Something was different about his eyes and his face. They looked caring and sad in a way. When I looked away, I saw Ginny coming over to sit by me. She sat down right next to me and gave me a big hug. I don't know how she found out, but all she said to me was, "I sent him a Howler. Don't worry; I'm here for you whenever you're ready to talk to me." That made me smile for the first time in two days. She really did know how to help. It soon vanished, though, because the owls came in, and one dropped a letter right in front of me. Ginny must have felt me tense up because she told me in a very motherly tone that it would be alright and that it wasn't from her brother. How she knew that for sure, I would never know, but it helped me open it. So did so carefully and slower than I had ever opened a letter in my life.

            ' Dear Hermione,

                     I wanted to tell you years ago how sorry I was and still am for everything. Every name that I called you, every prank I pulled on you and your friends, and for what my family did to you during the war. I wish I could have stopped every minute of your pain and suffering. I want to express my deepest apology for all the pain I have caused you throughout the years. I am writing this letter because I truly wish that to be your friend now that the war is over, and I can finally show who I really am to people. I want you to know that I am truly committed to changing my ways. Lastly, I was hoping that you could help me with a spell that I am afraid I will never be able to do, and you are the only person that I think will be able to help me without judging the fact that I cannot do it already. Please send a reply when you're ready.

                                        Your friend, 


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