New Years Party Ch 32

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Dracos POV

The week between Christmas and New Years', Hermione, my Mother, and I lounged around the house, and we all bonded. It almost felt like a family again. I haven't been this happy in my own house in a very long time. One day Hermione and I had a snowball fight, which I could tell made my Mother happy. She was even laughed. Today was the party. The day that I'm going to propose to Hermione. My mom gave me my grandmother's engagement ring that has been in the family for years. I know she will love it. I hope she says yes. She's my whole world, and I want to make her happy for the rest of my days. It was already noon, and my mother was running around the house, trying to make everything perfect. She does this every year, even though it is always the most amazing party. 

"Hermione," I call into the bathroom. I'm going to shower in my room; if you need anything, go ahead and come in. "

"Okay, Draco, I am just going to finish my bath and then start to get ready. Will you come to get me when you are done getting ready?" 

"Of course, I will. We can go down together. "

Hermione POV

When I heard Draco shut the bedroom door, I tried to go back to relax before the party. Truth be told, I was nervous. I was scared that their friends wouldn't accept me. And they told me that there would be reporters here. I have always been in the paper, being one of Harry Potter's best friends.
I invited them. Harry, George, Ginny, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. I invited Ron, but he refused to join us, but I'm glad everyone else will be here.
I look at my watch. I have been in the bath for an hour. I should start to get ready.
First, I dry myself off and wrap my hair in a towel. I focus on my makeup, and when I finally get the look I like, I put on the spell Ginny taught me so that it will last all night. Next, I take my hair out and dry it the rest of the way. I put it in a bun and let a few curls fall to frame my face. It is already 3:30, and the party starts in an hour. Apparently, it isn't just a party but a formal dinner before the real party begins. Only the closest family and friends will be at the dinner. Narcissa was kind enough to let all of my friends were at dinner. Draco told her that they are my family, and she said that means they are, of course, invited. 

I put on the dress that she gave me for Christmas and examined myself in the mirror. I looked different. Regal perhaps. I looked like Narcissa. I laughed to myself, I never thought I would like to be compared to her, but she really is a wonderful woman who would do anything for her family. 

"Something funny?" the voice behind me was Draco's. I would recognize it instantly anywhere. 

"I look like your mother. And I was thinking about how I would have hated that a year ago, but now I think I'm proud to have thought that." 

"You do look lovely." he walked towards me and smiled. 

"Ready to go down and have a fun time?" I wanted this New Years' to be one I would always remember. 

"Yes, I can't wait for tonight." Draco's smile was sparkling. I wonder what he is up to.
When we went down the stairs and started to greet guests, I was getting nervous. These people are all pureblood witches and wizards. What if they hate me. 

Draco looked at me," They won't hate you, and if they say anything out of line at all, they will be asked to leave immediately. Mother and I discussed it already."

"Thank you, Draco, that makes me feel loads better." 

Just then, my friends came in. I smiled at them and gave them all hugs. 

"You look gorgeous 'Mione, where did you get that dress?" Ginny said. 

"Narcissa got it for me for Christmas." I smiled at her and then my dress thinking about how I really did love it. 

"Did all of you get the gifts I sent?" I asked worriedly. I hadn't heard from them. 

"We loved them. We are sorry we didn't write. We wanted to tell you in person." Mrs. Weasley spoke up. 

"Oh good, I just wanted to make sure you received them." relief flooded my voice. 

"Dinner is ready, everyone," Narcissa spoke above the crowd. 

Everyone went into the dining room and found their assigned seats. The food was amazing. I couldn't believe how much there was. I loved the Yorkshire pudding and roast.

After Dinner
Draco POV

After dinner was over, everyone headed into the ballroom. There were tables on the side with drinks and different fun things to wear at midnight, and some made noise. Hermione said that it was a Muggle tradition. My mother loved the idea and went overboard with all of the props.
The band started to play, and everyone was dancing. Hermione was standing in the corner, talking to Ginny. I'll have to talk to her later and thank her for everything. She really helped me get close to Hermione. She helped me start over. I owe her so much. 

I walk over to them, "Hermione, may I have this dance?" I'm smiling at her. 

"Of course you may." she smiles back at me. Her eyes light up my heart every time I see her.
We walk to the dance floor and sway to the slow song that is playing. We don't see anyone else in the room. After the song ends, the band plays a fast song, and we all dance. It feels like I've been on my feet for hours. I look down at my watch, 11:45. 15 minutes until I propose to the women of my dreams. 

Hermione and I walk towards the front of the crowd. 5 minutes. Everyone finds their partners. 3 minutes. We are all looking at the clock. A lot of the props my mother bought are being used—1 minute.

Hermione POV

1 minute till the new year. "10..9..8...7...6...5..4...3..2..1 Happy new year!" everyone yells. I looked around to kiss Draco, but he isn't standing by me. I start to tear up until I look down. He's on his knee with a beautiful ring held up. I really start to cry now. 

He smiles at me," Hermione Jean Granger, you are the most amazing witch in the world. I was horrible to you for years, and yet you forgave me. You healed my heart and gave me a new purpose in life. Would you do me the honor of spending your life with me and being my wife?" 

I'm crying. I can't say anything. All I can do is nod yes. This is the happiest day of my life. 

"Yay!" I heard Ginny yell from the back of the room. Everyone starts to clap, and before I can respond, Draco slipped the ring on my finger and had me in a deep kiss. 

"I love you, Draco." 

"I'll love you forever, Hermione."
What a perfect start to the New Year.

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