The Astronomy Tower Ch 6

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Draco POV

I arrived at the Astronomy tower at 9:55 p.m. to wait for Ginny. It still feels strange calling her Ginny after so many years of calling her Weaselette, but I guess if she is going out of her way to help me, I guess I should start being nice. I wouldn't want to lose my chances of getting close to Hermione. 

I hear footsteps, which brings me back out of my thoughts. That's good too because I started to get upset about where I was; I mean, I did almost have to murder someone here that I respected, secretly. 

"Alright," she starts in her normal demanding tone, "I have a wonderful plan that is sure to help Hermione and you all at the same time."

"That's great!" I must have said this with too much excitement because Ginny gives me a skeptical look. Almost like she knows that I don't just want to help Hermione. I want her to feel the same way I feel about her. 

"Now, I'm only helping you Malfoy because of Hermione nothing else...and if I find out that you hurt her in any way, I will not be afraid to throw a Bat-Boggy Hex your way." 

"Got it, I promise I don't want to hurt her, I just want to help know she still hasn't left her room since the first night. She didn't even go to classes yesterday. She has never missed a class willingly." 

"Alright, Malfoy, here is what you are going to do. First, you will need to send her a letter apologizing for everything you have done to her, and at the end of the letter, I want you to ask her to help you with some potion or spell that you need help on at the moment. Then you will be able to spend time with her, which I think is the real reason you are doing this. You cannot hide that you have feelings for her from me. But anyway, if this will help Hermione because she can't refuse to help people with schoolwork, and hopefully it will get her mind off of my arse of a brother."

"A spell," I say with skepticism, " How will she ever believe that I'm right behind her in marks in every subject."

"A Patronus charm," she says to me like it was the obvious choice all along. 

"Oh...yah, I guess that is something I can't do."

"Then, it is settled. I expect to see a letter for her in the morning to help persuade her into doing this.

She was back down the stairs before I could even thank her for all the help. I mean, it is a perfect plan. I hope I don't embarrass myself because there is no way I'll produce a Patronus. I only knew one death eater that could.  

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