She's Gone Ch 25

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Draco's POV

We were walking back to our room; everything had been perfect tonight. Hermione had told me she loves me for the first time, she looked beautiful, and no one tried anything on us. That gives me real hope that we can be okay together maybe one day be a family. I looked down at Hermione, carrying her shoes and mask in her hands. Her hair and makeup were still perfect. How she does that is so amazing. I'll have to ask her sometime, but right now, I have to get her back to the common room; she is so tired she can barely keep herself awake. 

"We are almost there, sweetheart," I say, trying to keep her up from falling asleep. It was almost 3 am when we left. Everyone had a great time.

"Hello Draco darling, care to tell me why that filthy girl is hanging on your arm?" a squeaking annoying voice I would know from anywhere came drifting down the hall. The sound of the voice made me stop in my tracks. 

"Pansy! what the hell are you doing in the castle? You are not welcome here. You are supposed to be on house arrest. How did you get out? How did you get into the castle!" I was scared, but I tried not to let my voice show it. I had a bad feeling about this. At the sound of Parkinson's name, Hermione was no longer sleepy. She was completely coherent and ready to take on an attack. It saddens me that I was part of the cause that made her so in tune with her surroundings, ready to fight. 

"Draco, what is she doing here?" Hermione sounded frightened. I know she was still having nightmares from the war. I knew this was terrifying for her. People don't get into Hogwart's uninvited. I, of all people, should know that. 

"I don't know, " I whispered so Pansy couldn't hear, she was not moving from her spot, and I wanted to know why I needed to find out, "Go to the dorm. I'll take care of this. When you get there, send something to tell the Headmistress."

She nodded and kept walking. As she was walking away, Pansy made a run down the hall. How she thought she was going to outrun me is amazing. "Pansy, you get back here this instant!" I was shouting, hoping to alert a teacher or someone else on guard. Luckily the new DADA teacher was walking by. Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth. 

"Stop, young lady." He said in a demanding tone even I stopped running, and so did she, but mostly because she ran right into him.

"She's not enrolled here, professor; she's supposed to be on house arrest!" I had continued to run down the hall, and I was screaming, hoping I was making sense. I must have because he grabbed her arm. 

"Parkinson, I know who you are. How the hell did you get into this school!" He was angry now. "Come, Mr. Malfoy, we shall go see the Headmistress together about this." 

I nodded and followed behind, I knew she would already know because of Hermione, but I also know there was going to be a lot of explaining to do. This was going to be an even longer night than it already is. When we arrived to see the Headmistress, Professor Dumbledore open the staircase and lead Pansy inside, but to my astonishment, the Headmistress had no idea that she was here.

"What do you mean, Hermione said she would send a Patronus as soon as she got safely back to the dorm." I was terrified. Something happened; I  just knew it. I ran back to where she was, where was Potter maybe he could help. 

"Watch her!" is all I heard as I ran out of the castle to find Hermione.

"Mr. Malfoy!" It was McGonagall. I was crying outside of the dorm. Her shoes and mask were by the door. And part of her beautiful dress had been torn off, and it was lying next to me.

"Draco," she said with a motherly tone, "tell me what happened. What is all of this."

I explained how we were walking back and that Pansy had shown up that I told Hermione to go to the common room and be safe because she was tired and to send her a Patronus as soon as she got there. I told her how Professor Dumbledore turned the corner at just the right time and how, when she didn't know, I knew in my heart something was wrong. I told her about Hogsmeade and everything Ron said. I told her everything.

"And now she's gone!" that's all I could muster by the end. 

"We are going to find her okay, Hermione has been through so much she will be able to make it through this." She picked up the mask and handed it to me. As soon as I touched it, it came alive and started to speak.

"Draco help me, someone took me. I don't know where I am, Draco! I haven't felt grass yet, and I haven't disapperated; I'm in the castle somewhere I know it. Get Harry to give you the map. Please help me, Draco. Help me."

I lost color and looked at McGonagall. She looked just as stunned as I did. "She did wandless speechless magic and made it talk. That hasn't been done since the sorting hat Mr. Malfoy, that is truly special." She looked at me, and in the most demanding tone, "Well, you heard her, Mr. Malfoy go get Harry and go find her. And take that with you in case it speaks again. I have a feeling it will."

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