Wedding Dress Shopping Ch 35

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Hermione's POV

It was the end of the month, and Luna, Ginny, Narcissa, Mrs. Weasley, and I were all going to Diagon Ally to go wedding dress shopping. I was excited about it, but I also was really sad that my mom wasn't going to be there to help me pick out my dress. 

"Hermione, it is almost 11. Are you ready to meet everyone outside," Draco asked?

"Yes," I said. I knew immediately that he could tell that I was sad.

"What is wrong, sweetheart? You still want to go, don't you?" He sounded worried. 

"Yes, I'm excited about it. I wish my mom were going with us. I miss my parents so much. I always imagined when I was getting married, my mom would help me through everything. Your mother has been amazing with everything; it just is not the same." I had started to cry. Draco pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. I stopped crying and smiled slightly. Just being in his arms made me feel better. It was like when our hearts were near to one another; they beat in unison. It made me feel warm when I was in his arms, like nothing was ever going to hurt me ever again. I loved him so much. 

"I'm so sorry she isn't here Hermione, I wish I could fix it, and if I knew how I would do everything in my power to make it happen."

"I know you would. I'm just glad your Mother is going to be there. I know she and Mrs. Weasley are going to do everything in their power to make this just as special." I knew that was true too. Ever since I had told the Weasleys about Draco, they acted as my parents in a way and made sure everything was okay. I appreciated that. 

When the 5 of us made it to the dress shop, an older lady who reminded me of my father's mother came up to us and introduced herself as Susan.  Narcissa talked to her for about 10 minutes before she led us into the back room, where there were the most beautiful dresses that I had ever seen. Ginny gasped, and Luna and Mrs. Weasley just looked around with eyes wide. I looked at Narcissa, about to say something. 

"I know what you are going to say, do not worry about it. Draco owled me and told me he wants you to have whatever you want no matter the cost. He wants you to have everything." She spoke to me in a way that it would pointless to argue that this would be too much money. 

All I could muster up to say was "Thank you." in the quietest voice.

"Now, what do you think you want, dear." Susan was speaking to me now.

"I think I want something simple but also elegant. I am having a formal wedding. I know that I do not want lace." I responded politely.

"Okay, you may all sit down, and I will bring out some choices for you, dear, and then we can go from there. How does that sound?" She looked at me and smiled. 

"That sounds great, thank you." I smiled back at her. 

She came back about 10 minutes and had about 10 dresses. I ruled out 5 because they were not pure white. I went back to a changing room with her, and we tried on the first dress. It was a mermaid fit, and I immediately ruled it out because I was not too fond of the fit. The second dress had a train that was too long. The third dress was silk and had a deep v in the front. Around the waist, a beautiful belt had crystals on it, and the back had the same crystals, and the back was open. 

"I love it. I want to show them, please," I told her.

We walked out. I felt nervous all of a sudden; I wanted all of their approval. I loved the dress, and I wanted them to love it as well. Mrs. Weasley spoke first.

"You look, wonderful dear."


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