Telling Ginny Ch 11

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Hermione POV

I ran all the way to the Gryffindor common room. I needed to see Ginny now! When I got there, I realized I didn't know the password. Great, now what? You would think being the Head Girl; I would know the password to my own houses' dorm. But I had missed a few days crying.

"Hi, Hermione." I looked up and saw Neville talking to me. "Do you need in?"

"Yes, Neville, thank you. I really need to see Ginny; I don't know the password."

"It's Lemon Drops."

"Thank you, Neville!" He smiles at me and follows me through the opening. 

In the common room and I see Ginny right away. I mean, who could miss that bright red hair.


"Hermione, it's so late. What are you doing here?" she looks worried. She probably thinks something happened with Malfoy. I mean, something did happen, but it wasn't bad at all. I wanted to get everything out of my system as soon as possible, and doing it in the middle of the common room didn't seem like a wise choice. 

"We need to talk now. Do you think I could stay here tonight?"

"Of course 'Mione, is everything alright? Nothing happened, right?"

"Yes, but nothing bad, at least I don't think it is. That's why I need your help."

We walked upstairs to the dormitory. When I walked into Ginny's room, I noticed none of the other beds were taken. 

"Where is everyone, Gin? Are you all by yourself?"

"Yeah," she sounded so sad, "no one else from your year or my year came back that would share a dorm with me, so I get the room to myself.

"Well, maybe I can ask the Headmistress if you can come to stay with me so you won't be all alone." I looked around. I couldn't believe that she was by herself. 

"Really 'Mione?" she was much more excited now, "You'd do that for me?"

"Of course, I would; I would do anything for you, Gin; you're like a sister to me."

"That would be amazing, but we can talk about it later. What did you need to tell me that was so important."

Oh, right, I forgot, "I kissed Draco."

Her face lit up, and she smiled so big, "You did 'Mione, that's great."

"It's great? Are you sure? I mean, Ron just broke up with me. Shouldn't I be sad? I feel like it's too soon. Plus, it's Malfoy. We were enemies all of our childhood." I was going through everything I had been thinking about before, and I was grateful that she let me get it all out. 

"Yes, it's soon, but Ron broke up with you, and if Malfoy makes you happy and you like him, then it is okay, and no one is going to blame you for moving on from my piece of crap brother. Plus, it sounds like it went well with Malfoy. I mean, it couldn't have gone that bad if you kissed. Maybe he really did change." She sounded so sure of her answer. Like she had never been so certain of anything in her entire life. "Did it make you happy?"

I looked at her, sheepishly, "Yes."

"Well, then forget everyone else 'Mione and worry about you. Be happy for once in your life, and focus on you."

I just nodded. Everything was happening so fast, but Ginny was on my side, which meant Harry would eventually be on my side, and that is all that mattered at the moment. "Thanks, Gin."

"You are welcome, Hermione. You know that I am always going to be here for you. You don't have to hide anything from me."

We got ready for bed, and I borrowed some of her pajamas before slipping into one of the beds that weren't occupied. "Goodnight Ginny," 

"Goodnight Hermione,"

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