Ron Ch 24

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"She loves him?!" I'm screaming, "How does she love him? We just broke up that stupid girl. She was supposed to come crawling back to me. I was going to save the day and make everything perfect again. I was going to get us on the front page of the Profit, and now she loves him."

"Well, what did you expect for her to just cry for months and months before you came up with a clever idea to win her over after breaking her heart?" Pansy Parkinson was talking to me. She was the only person who could let me into the castle now that my entire family hates me because of that stupid little girl. 

"That is what she has done before! Why would I not expect her to do it again? If she had just given it up in the first place, I wouldn't have had to take such drastic measures."

"Some brains you have Weasley. She's never going to take it back now. I'm sure she's already been with Draco. They share a dorm remember."

"Aren't you supposed to be on my side? Don't you want Draco back with you so you can have all his money?" I have a nasty temper right now, and if Parkinson knows what's best for her, she'll lay off the attitude.

"Ah, yes, your little plan to win the Mudblood back so that I can have my Draco and all his money. How could I forget your stupid plan." Pansy said in a highly sarcastic tone.

"It isn't stupid." I'm livid now. "It is quite easy, really, you are going to distract Draco on the way up, and since he is Head Boy and you aren't supposed to be here, he will have to go after you. But I'm counting on him to make Hermione stay, so she doesn't get hurt. Then when he leaves, I'll take Hermione and escape the castle and take her somewhere no one will find her. Then you can have your precious ferret, and I can convince Hermione to be with me once again."

"Yes, because kidnapping her is what is going to make her want to be with you." Pansy sounded irritated with the idea, but I came up with it, and that is how we will do it.

"Maybe if I make one small change to make it full proof. That way, we can both get what we want, and everybody wins."


"Do not let her know you kidnapped her. And then after, however long you want to keep her in there, long enough for me to console Draco and take his mind off Granger, then you can be the one to find her, claim someone cursed you to act the way you did, and all will be well. If you rescue her, she will have to forgive you." Pansy spoke with mischief in her voice. 

"Pansy, that is a perfect addition to my plan. How long before I should find her."

"How about a week or two? Just be sure to go and see her every couple of days to leave food and water. Don't speak, don't do anything, leave it there and go." 

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