At Malfoy Manor Ch 18

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Narcissa POV

I had received so many letters from Draco since school had started, and it was only the end of the first week. I had read them all, but I couldn't get myself to respond. I was so unhappy at the moment, everything around me had been going downhill ever since the start of the war, and now my family had been torn apart. The man I married so long ago, in Azkaban with no soul left. The light of my life had moved away from me to finish school. I was proud of him, but I missed him so much that it had broken me. First, Lucius and now Draco. What if something happens to him while he's at school and I can never see my baby again? These thoughts constantly run through my mind, and I can barely ever sleep, and when I do, I have nightmares. I had gotten the latest letter from Draco, and I wasn't going to even open it for fear that something bad might have happened, but something inside me compelled me to read this letter. I smiled. For the first time in what seemed like forever, I truly smiled. 

He was in love and wanted me to meet the girl. I was so happy all of a sudden. Maybe everything was going to be okay, after all. After all, we had done; perhaps the Malfoy name wasn't going to be associated with terrible things. She was different. He said so in the letter. She would help turn everything around for Draco. I had to get the house ready. I have about 3 months for everything to be perfect for Christmas. I had to get to work. 

"Winky!" I called my house elf.

"Yes, Mistress, you called." She had appeared right away.

"We are going to have a very important guest in a couple of months, and this place needs to be in tip-top shape. After tea. you and I are going to get started on making everything spotless and clean. I might even fix my garden up and paint some of these black walls. What do you think."

"Whatever makes Mistress happy, Winky will do, ma'am."

"Perfect, please bring me my tea, and then we will get started."

Everything was going to be okay; everything was going to be okay. I kept repeating it to myself. I had to write back. I just had to this time. 

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