Our Dorm Ch 4

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Draco POV

I helped Hermione back to our dorm since she didn't know where it was, and she was surprisingly weak from all the crying she had done. When we entered the dorm, I saw a giant common room for the two of us to share with big oak desks and a nice warm fireplace. In the middle, it had a giant silver couch and two golden lounge chairs beside it with so many red and green pillows that it looked like it could have been Christmas already. It was already so much better than Slytherin's common room because this room was warm and welcoming, and Pansy Parkinson couldn't get into this room to annoy me every day and night. Not that she was even in the castle. She was being forced to abide by some stringent rules, including her staying strictly at home. For punishment from the war. The Ministry still wasn't sure where her loyalties lay, and they were keeping a close eye on her.

By the time I had come out of my daydream, I had noticed that Hermione had already made it to the couch, and when I looked up, I noticed all of the books on the bookshelves next to the desks. I thought to myself, 'Hopefully, we will be able to work together at these once I can finally tell her how I truly feel and apologize for the horrible things I've done and said to her in the past.' 

I turned back to the girl I secretly loved and was sleeping, I wish I could say peacefully, but even in her sleep, she looked hurt and troubled by what that Weasel did to her. Then it came to me I would help her with whatever is hurting her so badly, and that is how we can become friends. How was I going to help... then it finally hit me, I'll ask Weaselette for help, she knows Hermione better than anyone, she can tell me what to do to make her happy again. Tomorrow then, before she wakes up. And with that, I covered her up and headed to my room. I have a big day tomorrow. 

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