Seeing Red Ch 17

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How dare she question who I am with, I can do whatever I want, and I deserve to know who she is with. She is still mine. I mean, she was my friend for 7 years and hated him. How could she turn her back on me? And why would Harry even suggest that I come to lunch with him? I hate them all. Ginny sent me a Howler at work, and now all of my coworkers think that I am terrible. Harry set me up to be embarrassed by a girl. Hermione is with him when she should have come crawling back to me. I thought she loved me. And him, I hate him most of all. They will all pay for what they have done to me. I'm a hero. I saved everyone from war. They should all be thanking me and do whatever I tell them. What am I going to do.... I'll have to think of something.

Ginny POV

"What the hell was he thinking Harry, how could he scream at her like that and call her that horrible word after what he did to her. She doesn't belong to him."

"I don't know Ginny, that was really unlike Ron. I know he doesn't like Malfoy. I mean, I don't like him either, but even for not liking him, that was a bit much. He isn't a death eater anymore, and his mother did save me." Harry was trying to calm me down I could tell by the tone in his voice, but I was livid with my brother. 

"I cannot believe what he did. He pulled his wand out on 'Mione. On our 'Mione!" I was still so frustrated and angry. I couldn't dream of calming down at this moment. "I should owl mother. That would teach him some manners and respect."

Harry looked horrified. I would too if I was him. Contacting Molly Weasley about this situation sure would escalate things. I know Ron is of age, but she is still our mother, and what she says goes. "I don't know about that Gin, what he did was wrong, but Hermione seemed to have handled it all on her own, and I don't think to get your Mother involved would be very smart. It would just set Ron off more."

I sighed; I knew he was right. I was just so angry. "Fine, I won't, but if he comes near her again or calls her that awful word, I'm owling her straight away. Obviously, the Howler I sent him didn't do any good."

"You sent him a Howler," Harry was shocked at the information I had just let slip. We were engaged to be married, but some information is best kept hidden. 

"Yes, He did a terrible thing to Hermione. She cried all the first night and skipped classes on the first day back because she was in her room all day crying. He didn't even give her a reason Harry. He owled her that they were over, and that's it."

"She didn't even go to class?" He was upset now, I could tell. From what I heard, Hermione had only once before not gone to class. And Ron had been the cause of that too. I just nodded at Harry. That was the end of that discussion. I wanted to spend the rest of the time being happy with my fiancé. Maybe we could even do a little wedding planning.

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