Ready Ch 12

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Hermione POV

I woke up the next morning early and went back to my dorm to shower and get ready for the day before breakfast started. After I was ready, I went back down the Great Hall and sat next to Ginny. She looked worried for some reason, but before I asked her, I looked over at Draco. He was smiling at me. Draco Malfoy smiling, because of me, I got butterflies in my stomach, and I felt nervous. I was pulled out of my trance because the owl dropped the Daily Profit in front of me. I opened the paper and on the front page was Ron snogging some chick. WAIT NO, NOT ANY CHICK LAVENDER BROWN. That's who he left me for. Well, good riddance then. That's when I knew. I was ready; I liked Malfoy. If Ron could get over me that fast after everything we had been through together, I could certainly do the same. Plus, I actually had feelings for Draco after everything that had happened last night, and I even wanted to be with him. How had my feelings changed so quickly that we haven't even been at school a week, and I had already been broken up with and had strong feelings for someone else? I looked at Ginny. She looked worried, I guess, because she had seen the paper before me.

"It's okay, Ginny, I'm okay. If he wants her, then he can have her."

She looked relieved. "I'm ready, Ginny." 

She was beaming now, "Go tell him, 'Mione." She wished me luck as I walked away. 

 "Malfoy, could we talk?"

He looked up at me, surprised, " Yeah, Granger." He got up and followed me out. When we got out of the hall, I led us to the corridor where he found me that first night back. Our corridor. I smiled to myself at the thought. When we got there, I turned around, mustered up all that Gryffindor courage I could, and kissed him. I was relieved when he kissed me back.

When we stopped, I said, "I'm ready." I didn't know that feelings could change so rapidly, but I am going to trust them, and you, Draco."

His smile was so big, "I'm so happy, Hermione, I know you might not love me yet, but that's okay. I love you so much. You'll always have my heart. I promise I'll never hurt you or let anyone else hurt you."

"I believe you." And I did. I believed he would keep me safe. I couldn't believe what was going on. I like Draco Malfoy, and he loves me.

What an eventful first couple of days at school. Hopefully, the rest of the year is less eventful but just as happy.

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