Back To School Ch 33

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Hermione's POV

We had been back at school for three days now, and Draco and I were still on cloud nine about being engaged. The whole school couldn't believe it when we got back. I'm just glad that I have Ginny and Luna to help me through everyone staring at me. Draco and I together is crazy, but I mean, we are just two people like everyone else.
It was Wednesday, and McGonagall had owled us earlier to meet with her at the end of the day. Draco and I had finished dinner, and we were walking to her office.

"Good afternoon," McGonagall spoke first.

"Good afternoon, Headmistress." We say together.

"I wanted to talk to you both about the memorial we had discussed at the beginning of the term. I would love to get started on it."

My heart dropped. How did I forget about something so important? I looked at Draco. He looked calm. How is he so calm?

"Of course Professor," he started speaking, "I think the best thing to do is to put a tree in the middle of the courtyard with all of the names engraved around the truck. Professor Sprout and I have discussed it, and she has three tree options that she wants to run by you on the plant front, and I was hoping you would have an idea of the engravings. We could reveal it at graduation, and then there could be a special box that people can leave letters to their loved ones in. I think connecting everyone to it would be the best way to show our respect." Draco concluded.

My mouth was agape. I forgot about this, and he came up with a beautiful idea.
"Wonderful idea Mr. Malfoy. I am very impressed. I will talk to Professor Sprout tomorrow, and I have an idea about how to engrave the tree. Thank you both."

"Our pleasure Professor," Draco spoke and nodded his head to show his respect, and then we turned around to leave.

"Oh, and by the way, congratulations to you both." McGonagall smiled at us, and I returned the smile.

When we finally got down the stairs, I looked at Draco, "When did you come up with that?"

"I've had the idea for a while. I really did talk to Sprout. You were so busy I didn't want you to worry. I should have told you..."

"No, it is a wonderful idea. I love it. I think it's perfect."

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