Graduation Ch 37

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Hermione's POV

It was getting closer to graduation. Everyone who was a 7th year this year and all of the returning students took their NEWTS. I thought that I had done a great job. Ginny said she did fine, which by her standards is probably great. She is so great at everything. She never shows it, though. Draco told me he did well enough, but it didn't matter because he was going to run the family business, so that he could have done awful on all of them. We wouldn't have our results back until after the wedding. That made me nervous because as much as Draco told me I don't need to work, he and I both know that I would be bored to death if I had to sit in Malfoy Manor all day long every day. 

It was finally the day of Graduation. I got up around 6 a.m. and laid in bed thinking about how fast this year had gone and everything that had taken place. A part of me still couldn't believe Ron broke up with me, and I had fallen in love with someone who used to torment me every day of our childhood. But here we are, and I am so very much in love, getting married in a few short months. I couldn't be happier. This year was almost uneventful, besides the part where I got kidnapped by Ron, who was under the Imperious Curse. Draco told me last week that the verdict finally came back on Parkinson. She would be serving 15 years to life in Azkaban. A small part of me wished she had never tried to get Draco the way she had. After seeing Sirius the way he was, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, then again, Bellatrix deserved to go back if she hadn't died, and Draco's dad is there. I know that it is hard on Draco, but he never shows it. I hope that when we start this new life together that we will be able to put everything behind us and that our life will be as uneventful as possible. 

I looked at the clock again and saw that it was 7:30. I had been thinking a lot. I got up out of bed and went to take a shower. When I was done, I heard Draco go into the restroom and shower as well. I went and woke Ginny up, and after Draco was done, she showered as well. I put on a knee-length white dress and a red belt over top. I wore gold heels and put my robes overtop. I would miss this castle and everyone here. I never realized how much of a home it really was for me until today. I have to leave. I walked downstairs to meet Draco. He had a nicely pressed white dress shirt, black slacks, black shoes, and a green and silver tie. He looked very handsome.

"Good morning, sweetheart. You look nice. Are you ready for your final day here? Because truthfully, I don't think I am." He spoke with sadness in his voice.

"I don't think I'm ready, either, Draco. We have spent so much time here. I can not believe we have to go." 

Ginny walked down the stairs, and we all headed to the Great Hall to have breakfast before heading to the black lake for the ceremony. I would have to give a speech today in front of everyone. I was nervous, but Draco and Ginny kept telling me that everything would be okay. We sat and ate in silence. Everyone that was leaving today looked sad. Looking around at the walls one last time, hoping not to miss a detail. 

"I will miss it here," Ginny spoke in a whisper.

"Me too, Gin, me too. What are you planning to do after all of this." I was curious she never seemed to talk about life after Hogwarts, or it might have been all the studying and wedding planning that I had lacked in the best friend department these last couple of weeks.

"Well, mom, dad, and I talked about it, and I'm going to be moving in with Harry after the summer is over. And the Holyhead Harpies have taken me on as a chaser."

"Wow, Ginny, that's great. Professional Quidditch player, that sounded perfect for you." I smiled brightly at her.

"Thanks, Hermione. I am really excited about it."

After breakfast, we all made our way down to the lake and sat with our houses in the four sections of chairs placed for us. All of the parents sat behind us, and I could instantly spot which parents were both muggles. They acted just as my parents did; I wasn't as sad now. Just very happy because I know I have made them proud. After everyone was seated, McGonagall spoke to everyone, and then she called me up. I walked to the podium and looked out at all my classmates. I sighed, knowing this may be the last time I see all of them.

"Good morning everyone, I want to start by saying congratulations to everyone. You have survived 7 years here and made it through all of the exams and homework. Extra congratulations for everyone who made it through potions without blowing anything up," People laughed, and I shot a wink at Seamus, "I want to start off saying that when I got my letter at 11, I was the happiest girl in the world, it finally explained why the things that were happening were happening. Magic is what made my life complete. It is what helped me through the tough years we have all faced. It is truly a gift that we have all been given, and I want to remind all of you to not take the gift for granted for one day. Secondly, I want to thank all of the professors for teaching us everything we know and giving us so many opportunities to learn. Lastly, I want to remind you that we have all gone through many hardships, we have lost people we love and care about, but they are still here. I hope that everyone's lives after walking out of here are full of love and happiness." I stopped and looked at Draco before stepping off the stage, everyone was clapping, and some parents were crying. McGonagall got back on the stage, and she called everyone up and shook hands with them. 

"If you would all stand up and make your way over to the courtyard, the two Heads this year designed a memorial for everyone who gave their lives this time last year with the help of some of the professors," McGonagall spoke with a hint of sadness in her voice. I could already hear Mrs. Weasley starting to cry, and George looked like a ghost. I hope that people like Draco's idea. 

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