Hermione, I'm Here Ch 27

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Draco's POV

Harry, Ginny, and I raced back to the castle as fast as we could, and I led them to that place I created two years to let those awful people into the castle. It was like a little room off the Room of Requirement. When I explained this to Harry, he seemed confused because he told me that the Room of Requirement didn't show up on the map, but I explained that I created it. It was in the castle, but at the same time, it wasn't. It is where they all waited to storm the castle that night. I hate that room, and no one knows about it except...then it dawned on me. "Pansy!" I shouted and stopped abruptly. 

"What?" Ginny asked me.

"Pansy would know about the room. She must have told Ron about it. I couldn't figure out how he knew about it. You need to ask the room specifically. She knows how to get into because I told her about it." I answered.

"Oh." was the only answer that Ginny or Harry had for my explanation. 

"This all my fault. I put her in danger. How am I supposed to be with her? I'm going to be doing this to her." I was distraught now.

"Draco, you listen to me. Hermione enchanted that mask for you, no one else. She didn't send something for Harry or me. She needs you. She loves you. Your not the one that locked her up. My twisted evil brother is." Ginny was scolding me for even thinking about what I had. I was silently grateful because I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I didn't have Hermione by my side.

"You're right, Ginny."

"I know I am, now let's go get her." She stated indigently.

I walked in front of the blank wall three times, and then the dungeon-like door appeared in from us, and I opened it slowly. The three of us had our wands out and at the ready. I would never have thought in my life that I would be fighting alongside Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, looking for my Hermione. We walked through the passage until we got to the small door at the end of the hall. I recognized the door anywhere. "Alohomora," I spoke to the door, and I heard the door unlock. When the door opened, there was a figure in the back slumped over sobbing. 

"Hermione, I'm here!" I said loudly to alert her that the door opening wasn't anything to be scared about.

"Draco..." She sounded scared and tired. She was still wearing her dress from the ball, and she was shivering. It was cold in this room. "Is that really you."

I rushed to her, taking off her blindfold. I hugged her tightly. "Yes, I'm here. I'm here." I started to cry. I loved this woman more than I could ever imagine. She was my whole world, and at that moment, I knew that I would never let her go. I would have battled everyone in the world if that is what it would have taken to get her back by my side.

"I knew you would find me, but I was so scared. I didn't know where I was. I didn't even have time to defend myself." she was still crying into my chest, and I didn't let her go.

"I went right to Harry and Ginny, just like you told me in your secret message 'Mione. They helped me. They are here too." I spoke to her gently. She looked up and offered a weak smile to her friends, telling them she was grateful for helping and believing me.

"We would do anything for you 'Mione,'' Harry spoke to her as an older brother would. 

"See, you are still taking her side..." An ice-cold threatening voice cut through the calmness that finally fallen over the four of us. It was Weasley.  I immediately shielded Hermione with my body, and Harry and Ginny whipped around, creating a wall between him and us.

"What are you doing, Ron." Harry sounded confused, like he couldn't believe that this was happening.

"I can't believe you found her as fast as you did. Impressive. I thought the Room of Requirement didn't show up on the map Harry." Ron spoke arrogantly. 

"I built this room, Weasley, the Room of Requirement, just takes you to it." I was speaking with malice in my voice. This man would not hurt her again. I would die first. 

"Ron, why are you doing this to me? I didn't do anything to you. This isn't you. We are friends, Ron." Hermione was almost pleading with him at this point, but I still hadn't let my guard down.

"That's it," Hermione sounded as she had just made a breakthrough. She got up and looked at Ron and cast a silent spell over him. He fell to the floor and shook for a minute before laying there still. "Ron?"

He slowly opened his eyes and got up, looking at us with utter confusion. "Hermione...where are we. Harry, Ginny, Malfoy. What is this." Ron was speaking in astonishment in his voice.

Harry spoke first wand still out, "You kidnapped Hermione and locked her in here, and the three of us found her."

"Kidnapped her." He sounded scared now.

Hermione looked up from my chest again, "He was under the imperious curse. He wasn't in control of his actions. That's why he doesn't remember." She was explaining to us. "what is the last thing you remember, Ron?" 

"Writing to you after you left for Hogwarts. I wanted to tell you I was sorry, but I thought we should be friends until you graduated so we could spend some time alone, since everything was so soon," He looked at her like she was crazy. "I'm sorry I know I was cowardly, but I couldn't look at you and break up with you I didn't know-how. Didn't you get it?"

"No!" Hermione was screaming, "All I got was a letter that said we were over. That's it. And then you threatened Draco and me at the Three Broomsticks, and now you have kidnapped me."

"Hermione..." Ron was practically in tears.

"Save it, Ronald, I know it wasn't you, but you still hurt me, more than just this," she turned to Harry now and spoke, "Will you please take him to McGonagall, and tell her everything that happened, I'm so tired."

"Of course, Hermione, come on, Ron."

They left, and Hermione looked at me, bags under her eyes, and I could tell there were bruises on her arms from where he had grabbed her. I was getting all over again, but she looked up and me, "Draco, will you please take me back to our dorm?"

"Of course," I picked her up, and looked down at her and kissed her, "I love you, Hermione. I know we haven't been together long, but I promise that I will never let anyone hurt you again. Never again."

"I love you too, Draco," she whispered to me before falling asleep in my arms. 

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