Getting Ready Ch 21

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Hermione POV

It was the day of the ball, and I was so nervous for Draco to see me in the dress I bought. He had bugged me about it since the day I bought it, but Ginny kept reminding me that it was supposed to be a surprise and not ruin it. We had agreed to meet at 8:00 p.m. in the dorm room to walk together down to the Great Hall, where the ball was being held. It was 5:00 p.m. now, and Ginny and Luna had just arrived to start on hair and makeup. Ginny had told us that she would be doing our hair and makeup and that she had just learned some new spells that would make it last all night without smudging or the hair coming out at all. I liked this idea because  I was rather good at messing up the makeup that Ginny did for me. Hopefully, tonight would be different.

Luna went first. She told Ginny that she wanted her hair to be natural, and just the top pulled back, and then the rest could hang in her natural curls. Ginny said she liked the idea, so I knew she would do it, and when she was done, it looked perfect. 

"I think I just want a more natural look, Ginny."

"Sounds great, Luna." Ginny looked excited to be able to hang out with all of us girls and get ready together. We had been studying and getting ready for the ball we hadn't really hung out since we bought our dresses. 

Luna looked at me and asked, "How does it look, Hermione."

"Perfect Luna, Neville is going to love it." Ginny had done soft pinks above and below her eye, left her lips their natural color, and then did thin eyeliner that wasn't too much. 

"I agree. I think you look great." Ginny was proud of her work, and to be honest, she really did know how to do makeup well. "You next 'Mione, what do you want?" Ginny had turned and looked at me.

 "You next 'Mione, what do you want?" Ginny had turned and looked at me

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"I think that I want my hair in a braid off the side with a loose bun in the back—nothing to fancy

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"I think that I want my hair in a braid off the side with a loose bun in the back—nothing to fancy. And then for my makeup pinks and brown with a thinner eyeliner and some nude lipstick. Would that be okay, Gin?"

"I think it would look beautiful! I'll make it look perfect." Ginny told me.

I let out a sigh of relief that she wouldn't make me put too much makeup on and that everything would be how I like it. 

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