October 15th Ch 20

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Hermione POV 

It was already October 15th, and the past few weeks had flown by with classes and getting everything ready for the ball. Ginny, Luna, and I had almost forgotten to get dresses for ourselves. McGonagall, let us have a Friday afternoon after classes to go to Hogsmeade. If you defeat a Dark Lord, you get special privileges, and I asked for a favor for the three of us so we would actually be able to go to the ball. It was crazy the last few weeks had been wonderful, Draco and I had been getting along so well, and his mother was true to her word and kept writing him, which I think helped bring his spirits up. He even asked me to the ball in the most romantic way.


It was a Tuesday afternoon when Draco and I had a free period; he asked me if  I wanted to go up to the dorm for a while and relax since we had already finished our homework and didn't have a class for two hours. I had been studying nonstop for weeks because I wanted to be ready for midterms before the break, and with the ball, everything was piling up even for me, so I thought it would be nice to enjoy a break.

"That sounds great, Draco. I would love to relax."

"Good." He had his signature smirk on his face, which made me start to think, I wonder what was going on. There were little floating candles everywhere when we walked into the dorm and rose peddles on the floor and couches. 

"This is beautiful, Draco. What's the occasion?"

"There has to be something special for me to show you how much you mean to me?" He still had a smirk, and he was giggling, so I knew there had to be more. "I just wanted to tell you something," He began; he took a deep breath before continuing, "Hermione, you mean the world to me, and I do not know what I would do without you. I mean that. I want you to know no matter what happens; I'll be here for you. And would you like to go to the ball with me?" He was looking at the ground so nervous. I had never seen Draco nervous. I smiled. He really did like me. I liked him so much that every once in awhile, I had to remind myself it had only been a couple of weeks and not years that we had been together. We seemed to melt and meld in together perfectly. 

"I would love to, Draco!" I ran over, and he picked me up into a hug, and I looked at him and kissed him, trying to get him to understand that I felt the same way about him. 

End of Flashback

"Hermione!" I heard Ginny's voice get louder as I came back out of my thoughts to my friends' conversation. 

"Sorry, Gin, did you say something?"

"Yes, I did," I could tell by her voice she was annoyed she had probably been calling my name for a couple of minutes, "I said do you want to go into this shop?"

"Oh, yes, this one looks nice. I think that would be very good. I'm sorry I was daydreaming."

Luna's soft sweet voice carried over, and she said, "Draco, I bet; you seem to be doing a lot of that recently Hermione, you must really love him. I can tell he loves you too, by the way he looks at you in class."

"Love? I don't know about that Luna, we have only been together a couple of weeks." I was astounded by what Luna had just said, but I know she was telling the truth deep down inside. I really did love Draco Malfoy. I was just scared to admit it because of everything that had happened. 

"Don't worry, 'Mione. When the two of you are ready to tell each other, it will come naturally."

Luna always did know what to say. She may seem to be in another world, but she was one of the best friends I had, and she always knew exactly what to say. 

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