Hogsmeade Trip Ch 34

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Draco POV

A couple of weeks after we went back to finish off the final term at Hogwarts, my Mother invited Hermione and me to have lunch with her in Hogsmeade. We are going to catch up and discuss wedding plans. Hermione and I decided that we will get married at the end of August, and it is the beginning of February, so that gives us 7 months to plan everything. She told me that isn't nearly enough time, but I assured her my Mother would be working on it full time and that there would be no problems with getting it all done.

"Hermione, are you ready to go?" I call her from the common room.

"Coming!" I hear her running down the stairs. "Here I am." she smiles at me and kisses me on the cheek before we head out.

"Have you taken the bracelet off since I gave it to you," I ask as we walk to the carriages?

"Why would I do that. It's beautiful, and I love it," she responds with a smile.

"Well, I'm glad you do."

"So where are we meeting your Mother," she asks me curiously. Even the simplest things make her eyes sparkle with wonder.

"This new little restaurant in town. My Mother apparently has been dying to try it."

"I hope it is good. I'm starving."

We arrive at the restaurant and go inside. Mother waves us over to a table towards the back, and we all order. After catching up, Hermione and my mother get straight to business.

"Okay, dear, tell me everything you want, and I'll make it happen." my Mother is determined to make this wedding perfect. I can tell from her voice she wants to give Hermione whatever she wants.

"I was hoping if it was okay with you and Draco if we could have it in your garden." Hermione looks at my mom nervously as she asks this.

"Really," my mother's voice wavers, and she is staying to tear up, "that would be more than perfect! I would love to have it there." my Mother is beaming. They look at me.

"We can have whatever you want, sweetheart, as long as your happy and smiling. That is what is going to make the day special for me."

"It's settled then," Hermione says in a matter-of-fact tone, "the Malfoy garden it is."

"What else should we finalize today, so you think." Hermione and my mom get discussing again.

"Colors, flowers, guest list, seating arrangement, decorations, dress code..." Hermione and my Mother are listing so many things. I had no idea how many things went into a wedding. No wonder Hermione thought 7 months wasn't enough.

"We really have to talk about all of that?" I asked both of them, dumbfounded.

"Yes, this is going to be your only wedding. It should be special." my mother told me.

"Draco dear, what colors should we have."

"Something that describes the two of us. How about gold with red and green accents?" I declare. I thought I picked out perfect colors.

"Draco, we are getting married in August, not at Christmas. We can't have red and green. But I do like gold. Maybe with just green?"

Hermione was starting to get excited as she spoke. I could tell by the way she was throwing out her ideas at an impressive pace.

"Gold and green. Perfect." my Mother wrote everything down as she was talking. The two of them went back and forth; I couldn't keep up. My mother always asking the question, and Hermione answering like she had known it all her life.



"Dress code?"

"Formal, but not black tie."


"I want something on the smaller side: family and good friends. I can send you a list by next weekend, and then we can go from there.

" Centerpieces? "

" Tall with orchids and little crystals and candles."

" Bridesmaids? "

" Ginny as my maid of honor and then Luna as my second bridesmaid."

They went on like this for 30 more minutes before they were pleased with the plans. My Mother told Hermione that she should pick two or three of everything and then send a sample for her final choice and not worry about it.

"What about your dress dear, when do you plan on shopping for that?" 

"I think maybe at the end of the month. If you can, come. You and I could go along with Ginny and Luna. And perhaps Mrs. Weasley could join us." 

"Sounds wonderful." Mother stood up and gave each of us a hug, and then we all left. She went back to the manor. I knew she would have dozens of people around her trying to pick everything out. And Hermione and I headed back to the castle. The year was moving fast, and we would have to take our NEWTS soon, and every chance Hermione got, she was studying for them.

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