Dragon Ch 9

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Dravo POV

8:50: I started to head out of the common room toward the room of requirement. I was nervous to see Hermione, but I can't let it show because this is for her and not for me. If she finally starts to feel better, maybe we can actually work on assignments together and spend more time together. I would really love that. I can't get the heartbroken look that she had when I had found her in that corridor. How could anyone hurt her like that? She was an amazing person and an amazing witch. Ron was truly a fool to give her up.

Hermione POV

8:50: I leave the library reluctantly to meet Drac...Malfoy. That was strange. I've never called him by his first name before. Good thing that was only in my head and not out loud. Anyway, I'm going to meet him, and all the way there, I wonder what he cannot do that I could help him with. I mean, he is right behind me in marks in every one of our classes. I really do hope this is not a hoax to get tricks played on me. 

Draco POV

It's nine, and I'm standing outside the Room of Requirement, all a sudden I hear footsteps, and when I look up, I see her.  She is still in her robes, and her hair is everywhere, but she looks so beautiful. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Hey, thanks for meeting me here and helping me."  I figured I would start; she probably is wary of the situation.

"Of course, I'd help, as long as this isn't a setup." She sounds nervous. 

"Well, are you ready?"

She nods, and we walk in front of the wall three times before a door opens up, and we go inside. There is a big fireplace in the room, a big desk with two chairs, and a couch. Perfect. 

"So," she starts, "what exactly do you need help with Malfoy?" She sounds normal; I guess she realizes that nothing bad is going to happen here. 

I whisper, "Patronus charm."

"Oh! Of course, why didn't I think of that." 

"I don't even know where to begin, and you seemed like the only good choice seeing as I know you can make one, and I was hopeful that you wouldn't make fun of me for not being able to."

"Well," I can tell by her tone that she has gone into teaching mode now, "It's simple really if you have the right tools. First, you are going to need to think of  a happy memory, the happiest that you can remember."

"A happy memory; I don't have any of those." I'm already discouraged. I should have picked something else and just faked being bad at it.

"Well, think of something, and we will try it and go from there."

"Alright." I try and think of something. The first time I rode a broom. "Okay, I have one."

"Alright, good, now the incantation is Expecto Patronum. Make sure you are thinking of your memory and say it very clearly."

I think hard. I want to do it, I really do. "Expecto Patronum," I yell. Little silver whisps come out of my wand. 

"Good! That was a good start; your memory must not be powerful enough. Pick another."

Another...That was the best one I had. Maybe when I was four, and we actually had a normal Christmas that year. I try that one and think hard, but again just little whisps come out. 30 minutes later and nothing. I guess only one death eater or former death eater will ever be able to do this. 

"That's okay, Draco." she stops dead when she says my name.

"What did you say?" I'm shocked.

"Draco." She is as quiet as a mouse, but she smiles

That smile that is it. I take a deep breath, "Expecto Patronum!" I huge dragon shoots out of my wand and glides through the air. I'm speechless. I did it. I made a Patronus, and it's a dragon. Wow.

"You did it!!" she squeals and then jumps in my arms. "Great job."

"You're a great teacher. Thanks for not giving up on me, Hermione."

We are so close. I mean I'm holding her in my arms, this is the best day ever, I can't believe it. I can't help but smile, and when I look down at her again, she is smiling too. I lean in; I can't believe what I am about to do.....Kiss the girl I love. 

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