Christmas Eve Ch 30

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Draco POV

It was finally Christmas Eve, and Hermione and I had been at my house for one night. When I introduced her to Mother, they got along right away.

"Ready?" I say, looking up at the house. I'm scared she is going to hate being here. After all that has happened to her, I wouldn't blame her. 

She looks at me and smiles, "of course. Just stay with me, please."
I squeeze her hand to tell her, of course, and lead her into the house. 

"Draco." my mother says as she wraps me into a hug. I truly have missed my mother this past couple of months. I'm glad we write more frequently now. 

"This is Hermione Granger, Mother," I say. 

"Nice to meet you properly, dear. Call me Narcissa or Cissy, please." 

"Nice to meet you as well, Narcissa." 

"Would you like to have some dinner or take the tour first." my Mother sounds so excited about the house. I can already tell a lot has been changed. 

"How about the tour later mother, I'm hungry." 

End of flashback
We were all sitting by the fireplace, making small talk. I have to say Mother had put so much work into the Manor since I had gone to Hogwarts. It looked beautiful. Mother had already invited Hermione back to see the gardens when they were complete. She was sad that they weren't ready for us now, but Hermione had told she would love to come back, which I think might have pleased my mother more.
I was looking at Hermione thinking about tomorrow. I hope she likes the gift that I got her. I can't wait to give it to her. 

"It's late. I think I am going to go to bed. Thank you for everything these past two days. Everything has been wonderful. Goodnight Narcissa. Goodnight, Draco." Hermione's voice pulled me from my thoughts. 

"I'll walk you up," I say and stand up, wishing my mother a good night's sleep.
When we get to Hermione's room, I pull her in for a hug and kiss her on the forehead, and I can feel her smile into my chest. I wish we could never leave this. 

"I love you, Draco."

"I love you too, sweetheart. Goodnight."

A couple of hours later, I hear screaming. It is from Hermione. I rush to her room. "Hermione!" I'm scared I can't lose her.
She is thrashing on the bed. What is going on? I'm by her side, and my mother is in the doorway looking very concerned.
"Hermione, I wake up. It's me. Hermione, everything is okay. Come back to me." I'm pleading, but she continues to scream until nothing. I look at Mother. What do I do? I pull her into a hug. 

"It's okay. It's okay," I repeat to her over and over, rocking her. She finally starts to stir.

"Draco, is that you." she sounds so scared. 

"I'm here, Hermione; you were screaming and thrashing; I thought someone was hurting you." I'm still shaken up, but I'm trying to sound brave for her. 

"She was torturing me." 

I went rigid. I looked at my mother. She had silent tears running down her cheeks. I just looked at Hermione. How could she love me when my family tortured her in this very house.

"Draco, it isn't your fault," was she reading my mind, "and Narcissa, it isn't your fault either. Yesterday when I got here I thought I would be so scared, but the two of you made everything so wonderful. Your house doesn't make me feel bad anymore. I have these nightmares. Draco, I know you have them too. I hear you at night. We all have them. I promise I'm okay. I love you." 

"I love you, Hermione."

"I'm very sorry that my sister did that to you, Hermione." my mother spoke from the doorway. I hadn't seen her so sad since the end of the war when they took my father away.

"Everything is going to be okay. It's Christmas, and it is snowing."

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