McGonagall Ch 13

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Hermione POV

Everything was going great for the rest of the week. On Wednesday, I did my studying with Ginny, and on Thursday, I sat in mine and Draco's common room to do homework with him. We got along so well, and it was nice to have someone with me for once while I was doing homework that could help me and was on my level intelligence wise. Plus, he didn't expect me to write his essays for him as Ron did. People still didn't know we were together we decided to wait, I did tell Ginny though, but she promised not to tell Harry or Ron about it. I will have to thank her again for that. I'm not ashamed of Draco; I don't think the world is ready for us to be together. I still cannot even believe we are together. 

It was Friday now, and I was sitting at breakfast eating my toast when I got a letter from McGonagall, 

'Ms. Granger,

Please meet me in my office during your free period with Mr. Malfoy. We need to discuss some duties that the two of you can take on together.

Headmistress McGonagall'

I wonder what we are going to be doing, well I should get to my first class, and then hopefully, when I leave, I see Draco so that we can go together to see the headmistress.

Free Period

"Malfoy!" I have to yell to get his attention down the hall. He is standing with someone else in Slytherin robes. I wonder who it is. 

"What do you want, Granger." He seems angry; he hasn't snapped at me since he sent me that letter. I hope it wasn't all for nothing. I have really been falling for him, and it has only been a few days. I do not want to lose him already all for some big joke.

"Well, you're Head Boy, and McGonagall wants to see us to discuss some new duties we need to take on, and I wanted to make sure you were coming, but if you're too busy, then I'll go by myself and tell her you aren't coming." I was angry. After all that stuff, I can't believe he told me that he would go back to being spiteful all because of my blood. 

"Oh yeah, I'm coming," he turned to the guy who was standing next to him, "Later, Blaise, I'm sure you will be able to make the team this year. I mean, you're a good flyer, and I'm the captain."

He turned away from Blaise and started to walk with me. We walked in silence almost all of the way to the Headmistress's office until I couldn't take it anymore. "So what was it all just a show did you really not want to change. You just wanted to trick me then?" Hot tears were threatening to escape my eyes, and I had to do everything I could so that they wouldn't. 

"What, no, Hermione! I didn't think you wanted anyone to know yet, and Blaise is the biggest gossiper in the Slytherin house after Parkinson. I didn't mean to hurt you. If you want, I will tell him. He is my best mate after all, and if I tell him not to talk about it, I might have to pay him to keep his mouth shut, but he would never cross me."

"Oh," I blush. I feel so embarrassed I should have known it was something as simple as that, "I'm sorry, I guess this is all just so new. Who would have ever guessed that we would be together, you know."

"Yeah, you still have my heart and always will. Don't worry."

Right when he said that, we arrived at the office. I spoke the password clearly, and the wall started moving so that the stairs were exposed. I guessed the password, but I figured that McGonagall would want to keep Dumbledore's legacy alive, so I had a pretty good shot at getting it right. "Lemon Drops." The stairs started to move, and we walked up to them. I knocked on the door and heard McGonagall say, "Enter."

"Good afternoon Mr. Malfoy Ms. Granger. I hope the two of you are getting along, alright."

"We are Professor, thank you," I spoke to her like an old friend, but Draco looked nervous being in her presence. 

"I have some extra duties. I would like the two of you to pick up. They will both involve the prefects, so you do not have to do everything on your own." she paused and taking her cue, I nodded, telling her that I followed what she was saying so far. "Good, now then the first thing I would like the two of you two arrange is a Halloween Ball. It is only the beginning of September, so that means you will have plenty of time to gather details and supplies. When you and the prefects have come up with your ideas, please owl them to me to approve them. Understood."

"Yes, ma'am," I spoke. Draco still hadn't moved.

She continued, almost knowing that Draco wasn't going to give her any feedback on the matter. "The second matter is much more important," she paused, and I listened even more intently, "I want to make a memorial here at the school that we can unveil before graduation for all that have fallen at the Battle Of Hogwarts. I am entrusting the two of you to come up with respectable ideas before Christmas so that we can get started. I want something meaningful this is not a matter that is to be taken lightly."

"Of course, Professor, you can count on the two of us to get that done. I promise you that it will be nothing less of perfect."

"Exactly what I thought you would say, Ms. Granger. Very well, then you are excused."

Draco did a small bow showing respect and turned quickly to leave. I spoke up, however. "Professor, may I ask you something?"

"Of course, my dear, what is it?"

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