Pansy Ch 28

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McGonagall's POV

Harry and Ginny walked into my office with Ron. I had just got a Patronus from Draco saying that they had found Hermione and he was talking her to Madame Pomfrey. I had just sent a letter to the Minister of Magic about Ms. Parkinson, and some Aurors had come to collect her. It is a serious offense to break into the grounds of Hogwarts. It pains me greatly to send a former student to be dealt with in this manner, but I had no choice. I looked up at the three young wizards and witched before me.

"What can I do for you three?"

Harry looked at me and began, "Ron was the one that kidnapped Hermione Professor," I looked at him with wide eyes. He must have noticed because he quickly continued, "He was under the imperious curse. We believe Pansy Parkinson to be behind this entire ordeal."

"Imperious curse?" She said skeptically. "That is a severe claim, Potter."

Ron looked at the ground, "Professor, I am starting to remember bits and pieces. It is true it was Parkinson. I would have never hurt Hermione like that intentionally. She put me under it so that I would get back with Hermione so she could have Draco and take all of his money."

"Well, we will have to deal with this. I have already sent Ms. Parkinson with Aurors, so I will inform them right away. Ron, I'm afraid some different people at St. Mungo's are going to have to check you out in case there is still dark magic in you."

"Yes, ma'am." He was looking at the floor again.
"I'll take him, Professor." Harry had spoken up.

"Ms. Weasley, I suggest you go to your dorm and sleep today, so you are prepared for lessons tomorrow. Mr. Malfoy has taken Hermione to the Madame Pomfrey."

She nodded at me, and they all left; I got started on my letter to Kingsley immediately.

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