Holiday Break Ch 29

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Hermione's POV

Draco has barely left my side since everything happened a couple of weeks ago. I loved that he was so overprotective, but I was glad that I was finally spending some alone time with Ginny and Luna. Ron was released from St. Mungos after they confirmed that he had indeed been under the curse. He was living with his parents, deciding on a different career. He didn't want to be an Auror anymore. Harry was almost done with his training. Ginny wouldn't stop talking about how proud she was of him. The holiday break was in two days, and I couldn't help how I didn't want to go to the Burrow. I was still having nightmares about that room, and I didn't know how to face Ron still. He sent multiple letters to me, and I had finally written back, telling him that it wasn't his fault; I was still trying to work through everything that had happened. Ginny, Luna, and I were walking back to Hogwarts from Hogsmeade when I saw Draco ahead. He was waiting for me at the gates. I smiled, knowing he really would protect me forever. I loved how I felt safe around him. Everything really had changed in these 3 months. It was so much I couldn't even believe it. September Ron broke up with me. October Draco and I got together, and I was kidnapped. And now it is December, and I have fallen in love with someone who used to torment me every chance he got. But everything has changed. And I wouldn't change it for the world. 

"Draco," I started, "Why are you here?" 

"I just, It is past 5, and I was worried." He stated, and he did have worry in his voice. 

"I had Ginny and Luna with me. Would you really mess with them?" I was trying to reassure him that everything was going to be okay.

"No, of course not. I wouldn't mess with any of you, but I still worry." He sounded a bit calmer.

"You can walk with him the rest of the way 'Mione, we won't mind." Luna's dreamy voice cut through the air. She could always read everyone's mind. I looked at her, and Ginny thanking them with my eyes.

Draco and I started to walk toward the lake before heading back to the castle. We walked hand in hand in comfortable silence until sometime later; he broke that silence.

"Hermione," He sounded nervous. I looked up at him with reassuring eyes to continue whatever he was going to say, "What are you doing for the holiday?"

"I thought I was coming to the Manor with you," I said. I don't know why I said that though, I had almost forgotten that we had already made plans earlier this term about me coming to Malfoy Manor. 

"How could I forget? I'm so sorry, Hermione. Of course, I want you to come. I was going to ask you again."

"It's okay, Draco. We have been through more than I wanted to go through this year. It is okay; I'm happy you want to spend it with me still. I don't think I could be away from you that long anyhow."

He smiled at me, and we walked back to the castle. I would need to start packing tonight for the holiday. 

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