The Ball Ch 23

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Hermione's POV

As we walk down the grand staircase, I start to slow down. What if something bad happens to Draco because they don't like that he's with me. What if they try to hurt him. 

"Draco," I start, "I'm scared. What if they try to hurt you because we are together. I'm too happy for you to be taken away."

"Sweetheart, they are not going to hurt me, but if they try, and once little hex comes flying towards you because of me, people are going to have hell to pay. Not just from me, Harry is here, and Ginny has some of the worst hexes I know. No one will mess with us once they see that he doesn't care that we are together. They still adore him more than the damn Queen."

He was right, of course, but I just needed to hear him say it. He always makes me feel safe, "Okay, ready."

As we stepped out from behind the wall and started to descend the stairs, I could tell that everyone had their eyes on us. Everyone started to whisper. But I didn't care. This was my life like Ginny said at the beginning of the term, and I would be happy for once. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, all eyes were on Harry; I'm sure they were all very curious about what he was going to have to say about all of this. Of course, they don't know that he already knows.

"Hey, Draco, ready to have the best time," Harry said loud enough for everyone to know to mind their own business and leave us alone that I will always appreciate. 

"Of course, I'm already having the best time, Harry. I have Hermione to share it with me," Draco said this loud enough to be heard as well. I blush at this, I was his, and I wanted to tell him that I would be his forever, but how. 

We went in and danced the night away. No one came over to bark at us as Ron had done, and we all the best time. If only I had known that Ron had actually been in the castle that night somehow with a witch to evil to talk about, I probably wouldn't have been smiling near as much as I was.

"I love you, Draco Malfoy," I said wholeheartedly. He looked at me and smiled so big, and it made me get butterflies all in my stomach, just saying it.

"I love you too, Ms. Granger. I would do anything and everything to keep you happy and safe." Draco sounded so passionate at that moment I knew this was mine forever. Too bad, my past was coming to haunt me, and it was right around the corner. 

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