Final Details Ch 36

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Draco's POV

 It was getting closer to graduation and the wedding my mother would send us loads of packages what felt like every day. They would contain things that I thought did not matter; however, I was wrong. Each night Hermione and I would go through the boxes and mark everything Hermione liked with a gold star that Hermione would make. They were beautiful. She did not even have to speak or wave her wand, she would wave her hand over whatever we were looking at that day, and then a gold star would appear on it. Once my mother took everything with a star out of the box that we would send back, they would disappear. Sometimes I really do not know how Hermione does everything that she does. She is the most amazing woman. I have looked at so many different forks and knives in the past two weeks alone, along with vases for flowers, music selections, cake flavors, icing flavors, cake designs, chairs, chair covers, what Hermione informed me were table runners. Today we are looking at flower designs for her and her bridesmaids. Ginny and Luna are also here to help her pick out flowers. She had decided what seemed like forever ago that she wanted orchids. My mother informed me that more than 2 dozen florists were trying to get us to choose their bouquet style. There were around 20 different bouquet styles in the box we had received today, and the three girls were going over them with great detail. I thought they all looked the same, but I was starting to agree with Ginny. I really didn't know anything about weddings. After around 30 minutes, they had picked two different ones—a smaller one for the bridesmaids and a larger one for Hermione. 

"We also picked something for you and Blaise to wear on your tuxes." Hermione held out a single flower. 

"Great, sweetheart. I like it." I really didn't know how I was supposed to wear that, though. "Hermione. You have two bridesmaids, and I only have Blaise. Who is supposed to walk Luna down the aisle?"

She looked at me, and panic flashed before her eyes. Damn...I shouldn't have said anything.

"You know what, everything is fine. I'm sure it will be fine." I was trying to sound confident in my answer, but I knew she wanted everything to be perfect. She kept telling me she was only going to do this once. "You know what? I got it."

"How are you going to fix this, Draco." She was looking at me suspiciously.

"I will just ask Harry to be a groomsman." I declared.

Ginny's mouth was open, and Hermione was looking at me like I had gone mad.

"Wonderful idea, Harry can walk Ginny down the aisle, and then Blaise and I can walk together. I always did like him." Luna broke the silence.

"If that is what you want, I would love that, Draco."

"It is settled then. I'll just owl him tomorrow and ask. What is next, dear."

We went on with what we were doing. Harry Potter is going to be my groomsman. The world sure has changed over this year, and it is all because of her.

Hermione showed me the flowers they picked, the final cake design that we had gone over last night, and the shoes the girls would be wearing. Everything seemed to be going well. 

That was until Luna asked Hermione who was going to walk her down the aisle. I could see as soon as she had asked her that Hermione was sad about her parents once again. She wanted them here more than anything. I have been trying to find them with Harry's help, but we still haven't had any luck. I wanted to surprise her at the wedding, but if Harry and I kept hitting roadblocks, it wouldn't happen. Tomorrow I will have to search through all the clues again. She needs them. I want them to be there for her wedding day. I want to tell them that I will take care of her and protect her.

"I don't know, Luna." She sounded so sad.

"Hermione, I know it isn't the same, but what if my dad walked you." Ginny was looking at her friend with so much compassion.

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