Harry and the Map Ch 26

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Dracos POV

I walked as quickly as I could to Hogsmeade. Ginny and Harry were staying in a room there tonight. How they got McGonagall to agree to that, I have no idea. I ran to their room, knocked twice, and then burst in. 

"Draco, what the hell!" was all the fiery redhead could say. Then she saw my face, and Harry must have seen it too because he was out of bed and at my throat before I could speak again.

"What did you do to my 'Mione.?"

"Nothing," I was frantically telling them everything that had happened. It was almost 6 a.m. at this point, "And now she's gone." I said with a sob as I held out the mask. Harry touched it, and it spoke in her lovely voice again.

"Harry, don't even touch my Draco. He didn't do anything. You need to give him the map. I know I'm in the castle for sure now. I just received food from an elf, but they wouldn't tell me where I am. I think Ron is trying to make it seem like Draco is trying to hurt me. But the man who took me didn't feel or smell anything like Draco. It isn't him. Harry, help him find me, please help him.

Draco, help me, help me."

 Harry went and dug around his bad and pulled out some old parchment. What the heck is that? How is that going to help me get my Hermione back?

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," Harry spoke to the paper like a madman, but then I could swear I was the madman because ink started to show up from nowhere. 

"There she is!"Harry shouted. "But wait, I've never seen that room on the map before."

"YOU CAN SEE HER!" I shouted.

Harry walked over and showed it to me, and sure enough on that map was my Hermione's name. But I knew that place. I was the one who created it two long years ago when I was ordered to let the Death Eaters into Hogwarts.

"I know where that is, Harry." 

Ginny had gotten out of bed at this point and had handed Harry his wand and pocketed her own. She was heading towards the door, and when she had one foot out, she looked and us and said, "Are you coming to save my best friend, or am I going to have to do it all alone?"

"You can't come with me; whoever got her in there Ginny is terrible. It's a small cramped room that I used to let those awful people in our 6th year." I said, desperation in my voice. If I let Ginny get hurt, Harry and Hermione would have my head. Harry looked at me with thankful eyes that I was the one that told her no, but a split second after I regretted opening my mouth at all.

"I will have you know that Voldemort himself possessed me when I was 11 years old. I think I can manage a little room that my best friend is stuck in because of my idiot brother. I will not have the two of you tell me that I cannot save her!" Ginny was yelling at this point and looked ready to kill me before I even got the chance to help Hermione.

"Okay, but I want you to know that I wish I never had to make this room. I never wanted to do it. Please remember that. I thought it had been demolished."

"Okay, then let's go," Harry spoke at last, "let's go help, Hermione."

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