The Boys Arive Ch 22

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Hermione's POV

It was 8:00, and I knew the boys would be here soon to pick us up for the ball. This will be the first time that Draco and I will be a couple in front of everyone and not just our friends. I am a little worried about him. I don't want people to be mad and think about the same things Ron did and try and hurt him. If Ginny and Harry are supportive, that should be enough reason for anyone, not to mention that I'm the one dating him. Their precious Golden Girl. Hopefully, he isn't too nervous. I want us to have so much fun tonight and laugh and be together before the stress of exams overwhelms me. I love to study, but I really need to get great grades to get O's on my NEWTS. How else am I going to work at the Ministry or be a Healer? 

Knock Knock

The noise brings me back to reality, time to have fun.

"They are here!" Ginny is so happy. She hasn't seen Harry very much since when I saw him on the day of the meeting. 

"Go ahead and come in. We are ready," I say; I think my voice was a little shaky. I want Draco to love the dress so much.

Dracos POV

"Go ahead and come in. We are ready." Hermione's voice sounded nervous. What could she be nervous about? What if she doesn't want to go anymore. Now I'm nervous, but I had already gone in and when I saw her.

"Wow, Ginny, you look great!" I could hear Harry say, and then I heard Neville say, "The dress looks great, Luna, even better than you said." But all I can do is stare and the girl for me, in the most beautiful green dress. 

"Draco.." Hermione seems to sound sad. "it's been several minutes Draco. What is wrong with me? Why didn't you say anything?" 

"You look better than I think I could have ever imagined. I'm completely at a loss for words for the first time in my life." Hermione smiled at this, but it was the truth. She was radiating with pride, and I knew with all my heart that I needed her forever at this moment. Moments like this were starting to add up for me, and I was hoping that she was feeling the same way or starting to feel the same way. 

"Shall we go?" Neville said, grabbing Luna's arm and escorting her out the door. Harry nodded and followed suit. Hermione just came up to me and smiled, "Do you like it?" 

"Do I like it," that's all I could say still, "Yes, I like it Hermione, but I love you, even more, it wouldn't have mattered what you were wearing. You would have looked beautiful either way." I extended my arm, and she took it and looked up at me. I took the opportunity and kissed her before going down to the ball. The love of my life, the smartest witch of her age, and my Hermione on my arm. 

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