Hogsmeade Ch 15

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Draco POV

It was nine when I woke up Saturday morning. I could hear the shower running from the other room and thought of my Hermione. She was so beautiful, so natural and graceful in everything she did. I would have to ask her if she wanted to walk to the Three Broomsticks together later. Maybe she wouldn't, though. I mean, that would draw a lot of attention, and neither of us was ready to tell anyone yet. Too afraid that it is going to start an uprising. 


She looks up from the book she was reading and looks at me with those big round brown eyes; I almost forget to ask her. "Yes," she says in the sweetest voice. I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing it. 

"Would you maybe want to walk to the Three Broomsticks with me today? If you aren't ready, that's okay; I just thought I would ask."

She smiled, "I would like that a lot Draco." She went back to reading her book, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.


"Are you ready to go?" I have to yell because Hermione is getting changed for what seemed the tenth time.

"Yes, coming." She yells back, and she skips down the stairs. I lose my breath. She looks so beautiful. "What is there something wrong with my dress?" she looks down, concerned. 

"Oh no, of course not. You look so beautiful. You took my breath away."

"Stop, it's nothing." she is blushing; I can tell even though I am not fully looking at her anymore since we are walking out and down towards the castle.

The Meeting

Hermione is speaking to everyone; I told her I thought it was best since most of the prefects probably weren't going to listen to me anyway. 

"All right, everyone, we are throwing a Halloween Ball, and we need to think of ideas today and split some of the ideas so that we all have our own jobs to get done before the 31st of October," Hermione spoke with such a commanding tone. Still, it was gentle and kind all at the same time. I would never be able to speak to people like that, I thought. 

Everyone nodded in agreement, just as I knew they would. She is going to be a great leader someday.

"What about a costume ball?" Some girl from Ravenclaw spoke up.

"That's a good idea, but what if we did masquerade ball?" Ginny said with a giant smile on her face.

All of the girls got really excited.

"It's settled then," Hermione started, "Gryffindor will be in charge of decorations, Ravenclaw will be in charge of getting the word out to people. This will be a 4th year and above event unless someone is invited by a 4th year. Slytherin will be in charge of drinks, and Hufflepuff will be in charge of food."

Hermione looked at me. I needed to say something I supposed. "Sounds good, everyone, great work. We will tell McGonagall. Try and keep us posted on progress." I tried to sound as confident as possible, but everyone looked weary of me. I figured that was enough input from me. Hermione nodded, "Alright guys, thanks for meeting up owl me if you have any concerns. We will meet up the Monday before the ball so that we can make any final touches. Have a nice rest of your day."

Everyone left except me, Hermione and Ginny. Harry was coming to see Ginny and Hermione, and I decided to tell Harry today.

I got 3 butterbeers, and we waited for Harry to come, about 30 minutes later he arrived.

"Ginny!" He looked so happy to see her. I was glad maybe that would soften him up the news he was about to receive.

"Harry, I missed you!" Ginny ran over to him and jumped in his arms. One day I hope Hermione loves me that much.

They started walking back to our table. Here we go. Hermione squeezes my hand under the table before she stands up. "Harry, it's so good to see you."

"You too 'Mione; Ginny told me you guys get to share a dorm now that's good. I'm glad you guys aren't alone."

He still hasn't noticed me, but that's ok. I'm afraid of what his reaction will be. But I must have thought that too soon because all of a sudden Harry looked over at me and his body went rigid. "'Mione?" he sounded angry but in a protective way, "what is Malfoy doing here?"

"Well," she began to explain slowly about the entire first week and what happened with Ron, which he somehow didn't know about.

"Oh, Hermione, I'm so sorry I thought those articles were fake. I didn't know you guys weren't together anymore. I did something so bad...."

"What, Harry?" Hermione sounded scared, and I instantly grabbed her hand for reassurance. But before he could answer, the bell on the door rang, and a very loud angry voice rang out above everyone else's.

"HERMIONE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT FERRET!!!" I knew who it was only a select number of people called me to ferret, and I was sitting peacefully with three of them, so it had to be Weasley. He stormed over to the table and right up to Hermione. She glared at him, almost as hard as she used to glare at me. This is why she was a Gryffindor for sure. She didn't even blink. "Excuse me, Ronald, but if you wish to speak to me, you need to speak to me in a lower tone." She said this with such calmness I didn't know anyone could have. I, for one, would have screamed right back at him.

On the other hand, Weasley spoke with so much malice I couldn't even believe it, " I will do no such thing while you're with the ferret. He's a death eater. What are you thinking? I thought you were supposed to be the brightest and the smartest witch of our age?" He was laughing through the last part.

"I am Ronald, that's why I always did all of your essays during school, and he isn't a death eater last time I checked, the war was over, and people were moving on." She was still speaking clearly and rationally. "Plus, last time I checked, we were not together, and you couldn't choose who I get to be happy with, and I thought you were off snogging with Lavender nowadays. Or is it someone else now?"

Weasley's eyes went dark. "How dare you speak to me like that mudblood." He practically spat at her. And before I could even stand up and throw a punch at him, Hermione had jumped out of her seat and struck him. He stumbled backward. It reminded me of a great deal of third year when she did that to me. He started moving toward her with his wand out, but both Harry and I had moved in front of her, and Harry spoke up. "Don't Ron. You've done enough. Leave." Harry had a threatening tone, but I could tell he was disturbed about how Ron was acting. They were best mates, after all. This couldn't be easy for him.

"Fine, but you will regret this. Most of all, you, Hermione." And with that, he left and walked out the door.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know. I would never put you in danger, 'Mione." He was speaking to the ground.

"It's alright, Harry, you didn't know he was going to be so angry." Hermione, as brave as she had been, had a barely audible voice and what I could hear sounded terrified. I took her hand and rubbed her hand, hoping this would help her calm down.

Then he turned to me and stuck his hand out, "If you're willing to step in front of her as I did, you must really care. I have a hard time understanding, and I will hurt you if you ever hurt her again, but you are okay for now, Malfoy." I was shocked by what Harry just said, but we shook hands. "Thanks, Potter. I'll keep her safe."

"Well, we will let the two of you catch up now!" Hermione was all giggles again. Her voice had returned to normal again, and the color was coming back into her face. I calmed down at the sight of this. "Bye, you guys! See you later, Gin, love you, Harry."

They both called out, "Bye!" As we walked away and toward the castle. Hermione might have been happy again, but I was wary of everything. If I had anything to do with it, Weasley wasn't going to get near Hermione.

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