Introduction: What Happened?

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It's been a while. It's been a while since we last talked but that's because he's not here in Chicago right now and I'm not with him. We talk everyday still, and I can't wait till he comes back.

"Jenna!" My friend, Alyssa, called me after class, "Is it true?"

"What's true?" I chuckled as I was opening my locker, and she scoffed, "Don't play dumb! That he's coming back?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. I heard that too, but I'm not sure if it's true or not." Then I opened my locker, and a note fell down.

"Well," Alyssa giggled, "I think that should answer my question."

I picked up and it was not that says on the front, "Ukulele :)"

I smiled reading that and when I opened it, it said, "Whatever you do, don't scream."

"What?" I said out loud, "What does he mean by that?" and Alyssa shrugged, "I don't know. Well," she patted my shoulder, "I'll you see next week!"

"See ya!" I waved at her as she was leaving.

I put the note in my pocket, and started to put my stuff away, then out of nowhere, someone hands started covering my eyes.

I started laughing, "Okay, who is this?"

The person didn't respond, and I sighed, knowing that I won't get an answer. So I started feeling the hands, and I felt something that it very familiar, our bracelet.

I gasped, turned around, and there he was. The tall handsome guy with dark hair and deep brown eyes. My heart fluttered as I see him smiling down at me.

"GABE!!" I squealed and jumped to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Gabe wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me close, "I see your excited to see me!"

"That's because I thought you were leaving for college already!"

"You can't get rid of me so easily."

I faced him, "You have to leave sooner or later."

"I prefer later." He grinned at me, "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I traced my fingers on his cheek as he leaned closer to my face, and placed his lips on time of mine.

We started walking back to my house, holding hands, and I asked him, "Are you excited for UCLA?"

He shrugged, "Eh, something is missing there."

"What is that?"

Gabe put his arm around my shoulders, kissing my cheek, and said, "You."

"Oh god, Gabe," I chuckled, "There's gonna be a bunch of college girls there. You'll probably forget about me."

"Don't say that!" He whined, "I'll never forget about you."

"But we did say we're gonna take a break, Gabe."

"I know, but you said when I leave, I haven't left yet."

"Nice loop hole." I chuckled.

"I gotta be clever when I'm around you."

I started giggling and lift up his hand, "I see you're still wearing the bracelet." We have this bracelet that have our nicknames carved in. Mine says Ukulele while Gabe says Pianist.

"How can I not wear it?"

"By taking it off?"

"Like that's ever gonna happen."

"It's Something" # 2 - Something Different: Calum Hood [ completed ]Where stories live. Discover now