Chapter 1: One Day

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It’s been weeks since Gabe left for college and planning on staying there for the summer which was sad since we won’t have a chance to hang out with each other but it’s okay, I’m kind of glad of having the summer time to myself. It’s finally the last day of school and I just want to relax.

“Think you can hang out today?” Alyssa asked me as I was waiting for my ride at the front, “We can watch a movie at the mall, and buy some boba.”

“Movies and Boba sounds amazing!” I sighed, “Sure. Let me call my mom.”

I took out my phone, and noticed that I got a text from Gabe saying, “Ready for some summer fun? ;)”

I rolled my eyes, smiling, “When you mean summer fun, you mean sleeping and playing with my ukulele?”

Then dialed my mom’s number, “Hey Mom, Alyssa invited me to the mall, can I go?”

“Oh yeah, sure, honey, but come home soon cause your dad and I have a HUGE announcement.”

“Woah, emphasis on HUGE.”

“Yeah! You’re gonna love it.”

I started laughing, “Okay, okay.”

“I’m almost there, Jenna, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, love you.”

I hung up on her, and said, “Movies and Boba it is!”

Alyssa squealed, “YAY! This heat is killing me.”

“I know. So I’ll meet you there?”

She nodded, “For sure.”

“Is your boyfriend coming with us?”

“Anthony? Nah, he’s actually heading to his family’s lake house for the weekend.”

“How come you didn’t come along?”

She shrugged, “My parents want me to stay to look for a summer job.”

“That sucks.” I groaned, and she nodded, “I know.”

Then my mom pulled into the driveway, and I waved at Alyssa, “Well, see you later. Meet up at the movie entrance?”

She nodded, “Yeah! See you!”

When I got inside the car, I kissed my mom’s cheek and asked, “So, can I get a hint about the big news?”

“Well, let’s just say that summer is gonna be huge for you and I hope you didn’t make a lot of plans.”

“Other then sitting around with my ukulele, and drinking boba.”

“Perfect.” My mom was smiling widely, “We have to wait till your dad comes home to tell you. It’s amazing news.”

“I can tell, I can see your excitement.” I started giggling, and then all of the sudden, the radio was saying, “5 Seconds of Summer are on the top of their game! Let’s play the song that brought them top of the charts!” and She Looks So Perfect started playing.

“Don’t you remember that time you went to the concert?” My mom asked, and continued, “You were so excited about that concert.”

“It was my first concert, mom. How could I not get excited?”

“I know. You met them didn’t you?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I did.”

“Were they nice boys?”

Ah, geeze. Nice boys? More like amazing, but I can’t tell my mom that. “Yeah, they were cool.”

“Isn’t Lani dating one of them right now?”

I started smiling, remembering that day Lani visited me, brought me along with her to hang out with 5SOS, and her and Luke were probably the most confusing yet adorable couple in the world.

“Yeah,” I nodded, “Lani is. They’ve been dating for a while now.”

"Wow, that's a really long time! How is she doing? Are you guys still talking?"

I nodded, "Of coarse! She's doing great, actually.”

If you guys didn’t know, Lani is my cousin from San Francisco. She went on tour with 5SOS since her uncle was their bus driver when they toured around America. They had a concert in Chicago so she decided to visit me and Uncle Ben let me use his pass to go to my very first concert. That’s when I met Calum. Calum, oh Calum Hood. His adorable accent, wonderful hair, and chubby cheeks. We only had one day together, and honestly, it was the most memorable day I had ever lived. He was so sweet to me, and never left my side.

Anyways, Lani and Luke been dating for a while already, and I wonder how they managed a long distance relationship? I mean, she is considered a professional photographer now since she comes with them when they have tours so obviously they get to see each other some time but I just wonder how they managed when that time is over, and Lani is back in the states. She told me communication is key and to always have trust. I tried, and tried but I don’t know what happened between Calum and me.

Okay, so what happened between us is that we simply faded. Calum got more famous and busier and I just had other things to do. Even though that seems more reasonable, I know he started acting weird after my homecoming at school.

I told him how girls are being asked, and I really didn’t want anyone to ask me. Calum would joke saying he would ask on TV but I told him don’t do that or else, girls will hate me.

“Come on, I think it would be cute.” He chuckled when we were on the phone, “Besides, most girls would think it was romantic.”

“Yeah, while girls like me would find it kind of nerve racking.”

“Okay, how about this, would you like to be my date to your homecoming, Jenna Rose?”

I started laughing, “I would love to, but sadly, you are currently back in Australia.”

“It’s so far away from you, Jenna. Don’t you want me there with you?”

“Noo, Australia is your home and where your family is at. I would rather have you back at home where you belong then being lonely here.”

“But you would be there by my side, Jenna, so I wouldn’t even be lonely.”

“Calum, we’ll see each other soon, okay? One day.”

I heard him chuckling, “Whatever you say, Ukulele.”

I really didn’t expect anyone to ask me, but then Gabe came out of nowhere, played an my favorite song to me, and asked me to homecoming. Gabe and I had choir together, but I never really talked to him. He’s cute and all but my heart really belong to Calum at the time.

“So someone did ask you?” Calum said and chuckled, “I told you so!”

“Whatever!” I whined, “I don’t really know the guy so I never thought he would ask me.”

“Who wouldn’t ask you? You’re adorable.”

“You’re doing it again, Bass.” I groaned, and he started laughing, “Sorry! I can’t help myself.”

“I can tell!” I started laughing also.

“Whoever asked you is a lucky guy. I would love to see you in a dress.”

“Who said my date is a guy?” I joked and Calum started laughing really hard, “JENNA! I never thought you were like that!”

On homecoming day, the first thing I did once I was dressed up and ready was sending Calum a picture of me and he replied saying,

 “When can I be your date, Jenna? This is killing me!”

I started giggling, “One day, Calum, one day!”

“You look beautiful, Jenna, very beautiful. I’m jealous of your date.”

“Thank you, Calum! One day, you’ll be my date.”

After homecoming, Gabe asked me out on a date, and that’s when Calum started acting weird. When I told him Gabe asked me out, he was at first happy for me, or at least I thought.

Calum first texted me saying, “Someone beat me to it! :) Have fun at your date Jenna!”  

Then few dates later, we barely talked on the phone, and our conversations became less and less each day.

“Out on a date again, Jenna?” Calum groaned, and I sighed, “I’m sorry! I promise I’ll call once it’s over.”

“By the time it’s over, I’ll probably be busy already.”

“Calum, I’m really sorry.”

“This guy likes you a lot, huh?”

I shrugged, “I guess.”

“Jenna, he likes you. Whatever his name keeps taking you out on dates.”

“Calum, it’s just us hanging with a bunch of friends.”

“But is he always with you?”


“So it’s a date, look, I gotta go Jenna.”

“Calum, don’t be like that.” I whined.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’re getting all grumpy again..”

He sighed, “I’m sorry, I’m just tired. I’ll talk to you later.”


“Yeah, promise. Bye.”

That’s when we started fading which I don’t understand why it happened. Gabe and I were never official. Calum never knew that because he never gave me the time or day to explain myself. He would get annoyed when I talk about Gabe because he says it’s all gushy to him.

One day, when I was at my locker, Gabe came up to me, and asked, “Be honest, do you have a boyfriend?”

I looked at him, “What? What gave you that idea?”

“I keep seeing you texting someone. Alyssa said it’s some guy you met a while ago so I was just being curious.”

I shook my head, “No, he’s just a friend.”

Gabe formed a wide smile, “Well, that’s great to hear cause I was wondering, since we been going out a lot, if you’re interested of being my girlfriend.”

My heart dropped. Okay, not the most romantic way of being asked. “Uh..” I sighed, “Really? You want me to be your girlfriend?”

He nodded, “Yeah! You’re really cool, and I like hanging out with you a lot so,” he took my hand, “Jenna Rose, would you like to be my girlfriend?”

I hesitated. My heart belongs to Calum but things been weird between us.

“Gabe, I-”

“Is this rushing?” Gabe let go of my hand and backed away, “I mean, if you don’t want to be, that’s cool.”

“No!” I went up to him, “It’s just that...I’m not really sure what to think of right now.”

He nodded, “Okay. That’s cool.” Gabe took my hand and kiss it, “I’ll be waiting for your answer then.”

Later that day, I called Calum and told him what happened.

“It’s simple, do you want to be or not?”

“I don’t know! I mean, Gabe is a cool guy and all, but-”

“But you should really take a chance with him. I mean, you two been hanging out a lot.”

“Yeah but-”

“No buts!” He exclaimed, laughing, “You should really try it out. See what he’s like and all.”

But I like you...That’s what I want to him but I sighed, “Fine. I guess.”

“Trust me, Jenna. It’s gonna be fun!”

“Sure, whatever you say.”

So after that conversation, I told Gabe I would like to be his girlfriend and yeah, here we are now. New boyfriend but Calum-less.

“I can’t believe Gabe is in college now!” Alyssa sighed as we were sitting at the food court, drinking boba, “You two are so cute together.”

I shrugged, “Thanks.”

“Got any plans with him this summer?”

“No, apparently, I’m gonna be gone most of the summer.”

“SERIOUSLY?!” Alyssa whined, “Ugh, what am I gonna do without you?”

“Work?” I chuckled, and she elbowed me, “I mean things that are fun!”

I shrugged, “Hang out with Anthony?”

“I mean with GIRLS! Jenna,” she scoffed and leaned back, “You’re not helping!”

I started laughing, “I know, I know.”

Then my phone started ringing and I looked who it was which was Lani.

“LANI!” I cheered, “Hey!”

“Hey Jenna! What’s up?”

“At the mall with Alyssa.”

“Oh, tell her I said hi!”

“Lani says Hi.” I told Alyssa and Alyssa replied, “Tell her that her boyfriend is hot.”

I rolled my eyes and said to Lani, “She said that your boyfriend is hot.”

Lani started laughing, and sighed, “I know, I remind myself that everyday. Speaking of Boyfriends, how’s yours?”

“He’s fine.”

“That’s good to hear. So, I’m just calling if your parents told you the news yet.”

“You know it too?!”

“Yeah! It’s pretty huge. I’m excited for you!”

“Can you give me some kind of hint?”

“Let’s just say your summer is gonna be different.”

I rolled my eyes, “Not helping.”

“I know, but that’s all I’m gonna tell you.”

Then I heard some guys yelling and Lani shouted, “I SWEAR IF YOU BREAK THAT, I’M GONNA KILL YOU.”

I know that craziness from anywhere. My heart started pounding, “Lani, what are you doing right now?”

“Nothing!” She exclaimed in a happy tone, “Well, call me when your parents tell you the news! Love you, cuzzo!”

“Wait!” I said but she already hung up.

I put my phone down and groaned, “God.”

“What’s up?” Alyssa chuckled, and I shrugged, “I don’t even know. My parents have this huge news for me, and Lani knows about it but she wouldn’t tell me.”

“It’s probably huge since she knows about it. I’m so jealous of Lani, she’s dating LUKE HEMMINGS.”

I started laughing, “Yeah, but it took them forever to be official.”

“Really? If Luke Hemmings liked me, I would take him in a heart beat.”

“I would to but those two, dang,” I shook my head, chuckling, “They were so complicated.”

“But it was all worth it.” She smiled, “Now they’re the cutest couple ever.”

“Yeah,” I nodded, “Cute.” It was all worth it, huh?

As we were walking around the mall, I can't help but to feel somewhat empty. As if there was something missing. I mean, why should I feel this way? I have a wonderful family, great friends, and a guy waiting for me in California. I should feel complete, but there's not here.

"Yo," Alyssa nudged me, smiling, "You're doing it again."

I shook my head, sighing, "Sorry, I was just-"

"Thinking. I know." Alyssa nodded, and smiled, "You tend to do that a lot, remember? Is it about.." She motioned her hands, wanting me to know who she's talking about.

I nodded, and she patted my shoulder, "It's been months, Jenna. I know you two had a thing, but it just faded and he let it fade."

"I know, he just pops up sometimes."

Alyssa put her arm around my shoulder, "I know, come on! You have a college guy devoted to you and he's in California right now but still loves you no matter how far away he is. Calum is just some rockstar. You gotta let him go, sooner or later."

I prefer later, I thought to myself but I didn't say that out loud. Instead I just nodded, "I'll get there."

"Gabe is a great guy, Jenna." Alyssa patted my head, "He's a keeper."

I shrugged, "I guess." but somehow, every time I think about Gabe, Calum comes back.

Somehow, I keep thinking to myself that Calum and I didn’t fade, we just changed. I don’t know how but we did.

As we kept walking around, we passed by a store that had a girl and boy inside and they were playing around, putting on hats, and taking pictures. I can’t help but to smile and feel slight pain on my chest. There it goes again, I’m thinking about that one day.

That one day when everything felt complete.


SO FREAKING BORING. But hey! I needed to clear things up between Jenna Calum ^^ I promise things will get interesting better~ I love you all!

"It's Something" # 2 - Something Different: Calum Hood [ completed ]Where stories live. Discover now