Chapter 25: Vague

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I knew things were going wrong ever since Calum shut the door on me on that day. Ever since Triston's sudden drop by, Calum has been avoiding me non stop. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something to him? Every time I ask him that, he would shrug and walk away. No matter how much I try, he would drop me. Just like how he dropped me a long time.

[ calum's pov ]

"What's wrong, Cal?" Michael nudged me as we were in the studio.

I just shrugged, unable to describe how I'm feeling right now. My heart has been aching ever since Jenna refused to tell me what was going on since she yelled at Triston about using her. That bastard. I swear, who would use Jenna? How can you have the nerve to use her? This probably haves to do something with that date night. I just realized that she hasn't said anything to me about it. I mean, she did promise that she would tell me later, but that doesn't mean never.

"Is it about what happened earlier?" Michael asked me, which made a flinch a little, and Michael grinned, "Of course. Come on, man, I know you well. Just tell me what's up."

"It's bugging me." I said to him, "The thought of a guy using Jenna, and hurting her. I want to comfort her, but at the same time, bothered that she won't tell me what happened."

"Why don't you just talk to her? Don't make this complicated for everyone."

"But every time I tried, she would just say the usual not now answer to me. I don't know what's her deal."

"She probably doesn't have the words to describe it."

"That's true." I agreed with him, "I just don't know what to do anymore."

"What do you think is best for her right now then?"

I shrugged, "Give her some time to think, maybe. You know, get herself together again so she can talk to me again."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Michael tried to assure me, "Cause can we just repeat the last time Luke thought it was a good idea to give Lani some space?"

"Can I just remind you that I'm not Luke?" I looked at him, making a point, "I'm sure it would be just fine. What harm can be done?"

"If you say so, bro."

[ end of the pov ]

"WHY WON'T HE TALK TO ME?!" I shouted to Alyssa since I wanted to get some stuff out of my chest, "I mean, he hasn't said a word to me since the incident!"

"He's probably bothered with the fact that Triston came to your house suddenly."

"But why avoid me? Shouldn't that be MY problem?"

"Well, did you say something Calum?"


"Okay, did Calum hear something that he didn't like or maybe that would bother him?"

That's when I slapped my forehead, remembering when I abruptly yelled the whole using me part to Triston.

"Oh god," I sighed and sat down on my bed suddenly, “He did..”

“What did he hear?”

“Uh..” I rubbed the back of my neck, “It’s a long story.”

“Jenna, I have the time in the world to catch up with my best friend.”

I sighed, “Okay..”

That’s when I poured everything that happened. From Gabe, Triston, and the date night. Alyssa had no idea on what had happened lately because I didn’t want her to worry, but then, she’s my best friend and she’s supposed to be there to comfort me. Some best friend I am.


“Ain’t the truth.”


“I know, I know, and I never told Calum or anyone other then Michael, and I bet Calum is freaking pissed at me because I didn’t tell him and I was pushing it away.”

“Why don’t you just tell the boy? I mean, you told Michael.”

“On accident! I was getting all moody because you know how I am when I bottle up my feelings.”

“Jesus, Jenna!” Alyssa groaned at me, and said, “It doesn’t matter if it was an accident or not, Calum and the others deserve to know how you feel, and Calum is probably upset with you because you don’t scrap about what you’re feeling.”


“But nothing, Jenna. Stop making things complicated for Calum and yourself, and just open up already.”

“Let me finish my sentence, damn it.” I shot at her, getting irritated, and she sighed, “Sorry, what were you gonna say?”

“BUT I’m scared. Like, what happens if Calum gets tired of me? Or gets over me like how Gabe did?”

“First of all, Gabe is so irrelevant at this moment and forever, and second, Calum is not Gabe. Don’t compare those two cause Gabe is total shit compare to Calum and that’s unfair in so many levels.”

I started laughing, feeling a bit later, “That’s true.”

“Jenna, I know how you get, and you tend to shut yourself out for others sakes but you bottling up is not healthy. It also pushes and blocks out the people who care for you. Calum wants to help and be there for you, but honestly, you keep brushing it off as if it’s nothing to him and it probably makes him feel like he can’t do shit to make you feel better.”

I shut my eyes, feeling utterly terrible about this, and Alyssa continued, “You have to talk to him sooner or later. Or else, you two will be nothing but a mere regret that you can never take back.”

“Jeez,” I scoffed at her, chuckling, “Such wise words.”

“It’s true! This is your second chance of making this right with him, but you’re running out of time!”

“I know, I know,” I sighed again, feeling a heavy weight on my chest, “I guess I have to do everything that I need to do before I leave.”

“No shit. It took you nearly a month to figure that out.”

“Shut up,” we both started laughing, and I continued, “Thanks for the help, Lyss.”

“Anytime, Jenna.”

After my phone call with Jenna, I had to go to Uncle Ben’s place to have dinner with my parents since it’s been a while since I last saw them.

“JENNA!” Uncle Ben cheered as I went to the backyard, “How’s the little munchkin?”

He walked up to me, and gave me a huge side hug that nearly crushed my shoulders, “Uh,” I grunted, and laughed out, “Still little, but doing good.”

“That’s what I like to hear!” Uncle Ben patted my head, and guided me to the grill, which my dad was at.

When my dad saw me, he smiled at me, saying, “Nana! Hope you’re hungry. Frying up some burgers.”

“When are you not frying burgers?” I chuckled which made him laugh, nodding, “Touche.”

“Where’s mom?”

“Inside, watching some TV.”

I nodded, and inside since I wanted some time with my mom. As I went inside, I see her hugging on her one knee close to her chest.

“Hey mom!” I greeted her as I kissed her cheek, and she patted my head, “Hi Nana, how are you doing?”

I slumped next to her, sighing, “Good.”

“That’s good to hear. How’s Lani?”

“Good also.”

“I’m wondering, is she still with that Luke guy?”

I nodded, “Yeah, why asking?”

“Nothing,” She shook her head, “It just came into mind because I saw them appear on tv.”

“Oh, I see.”

“So,” My mom flipped the channel on the tv, “I’m curious.”

“What are you curious about?” I asked her, feeling confused.

“Since you and Gabe are not together anymore, is there someone in mind?”

“WHAT?!” I jumped, and shot a look at my mom, “Where is this coming from?!”

She shrugged, “You’re a beautiful girl in the city of LA, there should be a guy drooling over you right now.”

“Should, heh,” I scoffed, feeling a little awkward, “There’s no one, mom. I don’t think a guy would drool over me.”

“And why not?” My mom nudged me, and I shrugged, “Just cause. I’m not that pretty compared to the other girls here in LA. I mean, have you seen them?”

My mom nodded, “I do see your point, but you’re as beautiful as they are. You know that quote, ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’ There’s probably a few guys out there thinking you’re pretty adorable.”

That’s when Calum pops into mind.

“Mom, I need some advice.”

“And what is it, Nana?”

I took a deep breathe, and let out, “What happens if you’re so scared of getting hurt due to past experience that you won’t let another person have a chance to be part of your life? That you block them out, pushing them away, and it feels like it’s too late to make things right.”

“Do I need to know details?”

I shook my head, grinning, “It’s better to leave it vague, ma.”

“If you say so,” She straightened her back, and said to me, “Is there still time to make it right?”

“I mean, very little.”

“But there still time. It may be little, but it’s better than nothing at all. Nana, it’s all about making the most of things. You can’t block and push people, because they’re there beside you for a reason. It may be scary, and you may hesitate to open up, but it’s a chance you have to be willing to take if people are worth it. Those past experience are in the past and it will happen again if you let it happen again. Don’t bring the past back, and let it stay there. This is the present, and you have to make the most of things before it slips away. Little is small, but like I said, it’s better than nothing at all. Do you understand, Nana?”

I sat there in silence, trying to process everything.

I’m leaving soon, and I have little time with Calum, so I have to make the most of it because I’ll probably never have this chance again till who knows how long. I just have to suck it up, and take a chance because Calum is worth it. He’s worth everything I’m risking right now. Even though I was hoping Faith would help Gabe and me, Faith had better plans, and showed me what’s really meant to be for me. I saw that Gabe is a total clingy lying jerk, Triston showed me that he’s a backstabbing asshole, and what happened between Claum and me is in the past, and this time of me being here was to make things right. Things are different now, so I have to make it right before time runs out.


eh, okay chapter. school is currently being a total pain in the butt so sorry about the late updates >.<

Something Different is almost to a close ^^ Not yet, but it's getting there which makes me sad because Jenna and Calum is probably my biggest OTP xD haha.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

I love you all!

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