Chapter 18: Ridiculous

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“Jesus...” I groaned as I woke up with a bad headache. Reminder to self: Don’t do so much head banging at a concert. So, last night was pretty crazy because Lani found out about this free admission concert that had performances from local bands around LA, and sick DJs. It was pretty much a party at LA with the whole entire city, and man, it was one hell of a night. I’m not much of a party girl, but dancing my troubles away was probably the best thing ever. After what happened with Gabe and Triston, I needed something to let out my anger and dancing around, banging my head around, yelling cuss words was what I needed.

I see Lani already gone, so I headed downstairs, and the smell of pancakes filled the air. I was trying to be careful with my foot steps because my vision is still a bit hazy, but it managed to focus as I started walking inside the kitchen.

“Morning, Party Animal!” Ashton yelled out to greet me with huge enthusiasm, “How are ya feeling?”

“Nauseous.” I rubbed my temples, but smiled widely, “But awesome. Thanks for taking us out, Lani.”

“No problem,” Lani set a pancake down on my my plate, “I should thank Mia when I see her. She’s the one who told me about it.”

“Is Mia that one cute blondie? Or feisty brunette?” Michael asked her with pancake still in his mouth, and Lani shook her head, “Neither. It’s that European Red head that gives Ashton the tingles on his back.”

“Oh that one!” Michael started laughing as Ashton shook his head, “She doesn’t give me tingles! I told you that it was just shiver that made me do a weird twitch thing.”

“Whatever, Ash.” Lani started laughing Michael, and they gave each other a high five, “You still had your eyes locked on her.”

“It was kind of hard not to since she was in the house in a bikini.” Ashton gave her a grin, “Seriously, how can you not look?”

“Look at the opposite direction?” I suggested since it was a ridiculous question, and Ashton shook his head, “Sorry, had no will power to do that. We need some boundaries in this house. The lads and I need to focus but Lani keeps bringing hot girls to the house.”

“Well, sorry that they hire me as the photographer for their blog, and would like a pool side picture.” Lani sarcastically apologized as she took a bite of a pancake.

“Apology accepted.” Michael shot at her which made me laugh with him. Michael could be so sassy that it makes me happy.

“Where’s Lukey poo?” I asked Lani since surprisingly, there was no Luke hanging on her, and she answered, “Sleeping still. He had too much fun last night.”

“No kidding.” I agreed, “The guy was practically jumping off the walls.”

“Cause SOMEBODY gave him a bunch of red bull during the concert.” Lani emphasize the somebody on Ashton who shrugged, “The guy needed to let loose so I gave him a little boost.”

“You’re little is my ridiculous, Ash.” I shook my head at him. 

“Then I guess I should start saying Calum is a little hot so you can think he’s ridiculously  hot.” Michael nudged me which made me almost choked on my pancake, and coughed, “You’re ridiculous.”

“I’M NOT SMALL.” Michael shouted which made me flinch a little but I started laughing at his sudden reaction.

Then, I heard a lot of shuffling going on at the back and music playing. I leaned back to take a peek, and asked, “Whose that at the back?”

“Who else?” Lani took a sip of her orange juice and I noticed Calum is not around. I should’ve noticed since I didn’t hear a “Good mornin, Good lookin!” from him.

“He’s doing some exercise since the hasn’t done it for the last couple of days.” Lani set her cup down, “Can you get him? He’s been doing that for an hour already. He needs to rest.” I nodded after taking a sip of my juice and walked towards the back.

When I walked out, and looked for him, for the first thing I see his butt stick out.

“Ya know,” I chuckled at the sight, “If you wanted a tighter butt, do some squats instead.”

Calum jumped up, and Holy Jesus Christ, bless me Lord. Calum is standing in front of me, shirtless and is covered in sweat. He gave me this half grin that made him look even more attractive that made my heart race of nervousness.

“Good mornin, Red.” Calum took off his headphones, and pointed at his butt, “And this butt is just fine, thank you very much. It’s all over the internet so I should know.”

“Butt out and very proud.” I chuckled, “Come on, Bass, you gotta take break. Mama’s orders.”

Calum started laughing at my Mama comment, and nodded as he started the back of his neck with a towel, “Tell her that I’ll be right out.”

I nodded, since I lost my sense of saying words due to the fact my mind is distracted by shirtless sweaty Calum. I’m not the type of her girl who finds sweat attractive but on Calum, it makes him look as if he is a beach god right now.

As I started walking away, I heard his voice calling out my name, “Jenna!”

I turned around, seeing him smiling at me, “Yeah?”

“Stop blushing. I’m flattered that you think I’m hot but me being sweaty is not exactly my finest hour.”

I rolled my eyes, and shook my head, “Calum, don’t flatter yourself, it won’t take you anywhere.”

“Ouch,” Calum winced at my comeback, and bit his lower lip, “Somebody is touchy since that person can’t think straight.”

What the hell? Is he a mind reader or something?

I scoffed, “Just get your famous butt inside.” and ran inside, hearing a faint sound of Calum’s laughter.

When I went inside, Luke is back and he started laughing, “Woah, what got you all rosy on the cheeks?”

“Everything.” I groaned, and sat back down at my seat to continue eating my pancakes.

Few moments later, shirtless Calum came in the room and Lani started to groan, “Dude. Wear a shirt.”

“Lani,” Calum came inside, “This your hundredth time seeing me shirtless.”

“And I shall tell you to put on a shirt for the hundredth time. You’re all sweaty and it’s gross.”

“Sorry,” Calum sighed, and even though I’m minding my own business, eating pancakes, I felt a sudden hug from behind and I felt myself being lifted up and out of my seat.

“HOLY SHIT.” I shrieked, and started slapping Calum’s arms, “LET ME GO, YOU SICKO!”

“I’M WIPING OFF SWEAT, JENNA!” Calum laughed out, and finally let me down, but had his arms around me still and he rested his sweaty cheek on my shoulder, “And you’re drying me.”

“There’s thing called a towel. It’s purpose is to dry wet things, you know.”

“Yeah, but what fun is that? Beside, I already have you to hold on to.”

“Oh how romantic of you since you’re all sweaty and gross.” I sarcastically said to him, but for some reason, still let him hold me. It’s gross, really, I can feel his sweat on my shirt and its seeping through, but I just stood there, letting his sweaty self be against me.

“I told you this is not my finest hour, but I guess it looks like I’m doing great, Red.” Calum then pinched my cheeks, and let me go.

“Ah...” I felt my back and it was covered of Calum sweat, “This is disgusting. I’m gonna shower now.”

“Have fun, Red!” Calum hollered as I ran upstairs to get ready to wash of this filth off of me.

After a short but relaxing shower, I feel relaxed and most importantly, squeaking clean. I put on my robe, wrapped my head with a towel to dry my hair, and walked out to the room to get my clothes.

I see Lani laying down on the bed, looking through her phone.

“Any plans for today?” I asked her since she always haves something up her sleeve.

“The mall?” Lani sat up, and crossed her legs, “I need some retail therapy. Since that European chick paid me extra well, I thought that maybe I can buy you some things for you.”

I shot a look at her, and she had this grin on her face that made me suspicious, “Do I even know why you want to do that?”

She shrugged, “Just felt like I should treat you since you’ve been going through a lot.”

“That’s sweet of you,” I smiled, the took off my towel and threw at it her, “But I know there’s a catch.”

“Come on, Jenna!” Lani took off the towel off her head, “Don’t be so suspicious, just go with it.”

I rolled my eyes, but shrugged, “Fine. Got nothing else better to do.”

So I got changed into my blue “Cereal Killer” shirt which had this adorable cartoon of an Cereal box being a killer, and my black shorts.

We finally made it to the mall, and Lani’s first treat is buying me boba which is my favorite drink in the whole entire world.

“Ahhhh!” I sighed after taking my first sip of Boba which felt like I haven’t had ever since I got here in LA, “So goood!” 

“Glad you like it.” Lani smiled at me as she took her sip of her boba drink.

Later on, we started walking around the mall, just talking about fancy everyone is in LA and we stick out like a sore thumb or we get mistaken as preteens. I mean, we’re both casual dressed while other teen girls look like they just came out of Tumblr or a Hollister ad.

“Okay,” Lani said as we’re still strolling around the mall, “Did you pack anything nice to wear to an outdoor party?”

“Uh...” I thought about it and shook my head, “No, why? What kind of party is this?”

“Well, that girl Mia invited me to a somewhat fancy party which is outdoors so I was planning on bringing you and the guys.”

“Party, huh?” I was sort of hesitant of going cause it just reminded me of how Triston would invite me to his parties but yet again, I thought about how the guys would be dressed up and Calum would be all nicely dress which made me crack a smile, “Sounds fun.”

“Right?” Lani nudged me, smiling, “So, since you don’t have an outfit, maybe I could buy you one!”

I swallowed a boba too fast to the point that it made me cough a little bit, and Lani started laughing at my sudden coughing attack, saying, “Woah, someone got too excited!”

“I mean,” I took a deep breathe, “Are you sure? I don’t mind you buying me food and all that, but clothes? A full outfit?”

She nodded, looking positive, “Yeah, of coarse! You deserve to look all nice and I already have my clothes so you can get whatever you want!”

“Ahh...” I sighed, “That’s a lovely offer.”

“And you should take it without hesitation.” Lani said as she poked my shoulder, “Come on, it’s gonna be fun.”

“Fine.” I groaned, feeling kind of bad about this, but if Lani is willing to do it, then why not? A little shopping spree and dress up session won’t hurt.

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